(2) The Musician

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TWs: Suicidal thoughts, Depression, Swearing

Ranboo POV:

"Uhh, why cant anything go my way" I mumble to myself, annoyed, as I walk down the street trying to find a place to spend the night.

I had been walking for hours, it felt like at this point. My legs tiring but I couldn't stop walking. I was pretty sure that I had reached an entirely different town.

But I was done, I had reached a part of a town where there was a street lined with shops and cafes. But most importantly I knew that there was a strong chance that no one would take me in so I would have to sleep outside.

'Great 15 years old and I'm homeless, life couldn't be any shitter' I thought to myself as I set myself down in a alleyway next to a very nice smelling bakery. 'I guess thats where I will be getting food from' I sigh to myself before closing my eyes and falling into a light slumber on an unfortable piece of cardboard, using my bag as a pillow.

Fuck life.


Its been a month. A month of me sleeping in this alleyway. No one's found me, apart from the owner of the bakery, I think her name was Niki, she's been giving me free food everyday from the bakery and she even gave me an actual sleeping bag and a pillow.

Apparently she is the kind of person that if she sees a teenager sleeping in an alleyway, she gives them everything they need apart from an actual place to live.

I hate when people take pity on me, considering i'm the reason why I was even in this situation to begin with.

Maybe I should have just stayed there at the house with Sapnap, I should have just toughed it out and not give up and be a coward for once. But no, I had to be stupid and a failure again and I ran away, I didn't even stay to help Sapnap out, I just let him there, even though he was the first person in years that was actually nice to me and treated me like a human being.

Over the past month there has been one constant thing in my head.


The thought of how much better it would be if I wasn't in this cruel world anymore. I haven't got any friends, any family. No one apart from Niki, but she just takes pity on me.

It was currently late at night and I was starving, I knew that Niki leaves food out for me every night before she closes the bakery and goes home. So I decided now was the time to get it.

I stood up on shaky legs, pins and needles from the position I was sat in, and entered through the back door of the bakery, Niki leaves it open for me every time.

Set on a plate for me was a sausage roll and a doughnut. I grabbed the sausage roll off the plate and lifted it up to my mouth but before I could eat it, I was interrupted.

"What are you doing?" I stop in my tracks and turn to face where the voice came from. There by the door stood a man, he was wearing a beanie and had circualar glasses.

Wilbur POV:

It was late at night, I knew that and I knew that I shouldn't have been out this late. But I needed to get out of the house, Tommy was driving me nuts, he wouldn't be quiet.

I told Phil that I was just going to go to the bakery as Niki would let me hang out there whenever I needed it, I even had a key to the bakery. Niki is great friends with me and the rest of my family so she trusted us not to do any signifcant damage to her shop.

It was like midnight at the moment so I was definetely expecting the bakery to be empty.

So I got a little shocked when I go to open the door and find a teenager just about to eat a sausage roll.

"What are you doing?" I shout out to them trying to get their attention. I see them look over to me with fear in their eyes.

"Um...hello" The kid stuttered clearly scared about I would do.

"Hello, why are you in here at this time?" I ask curious as to why a teenager was eating from a bakery at midnight. Not to mention the kid's dirty and ripped clothes that clearly havent been washed in weeks.

"Niki, uh, leaves me food in here every night" The kid spoke nervously, bouncing on his feet.

"Okay, why does she leave you food, can't you have some at home?" I question as I walk closer to him, I see he starts to move backwards so I stop moving and I just stood there.

"I may or may not sleep in the alleyway over there" He answered and pointed to the back door.

"Do you not have parents or a family?". The kid shook his head. "Come with me then" I say casually.


"You can come to my house, I'm sure my dad will be fine with it" I reassured him.

"But how can I trust you?" The kids asks.

"Okay, I'm Wilbur, I'm 18, I am adopted, I love Minecraft and I hate my brothers" I told the kid. "How about you tell me some things about yourself?"

Ranboo POV:

What do I tell him?

That i'm gay? Definetlely not, not making that mistake again.

"Umm, My name is Ranboo, I'm 15 years old and my parents kicked me out a couple of years ago and now I am in foster care but I ran away from a home I was in because the people were bad and now I live in that alleyway" I finish and look at Wilbur to see his reaction, he seemed like he was now pitying me.

'Great fucking job, Ranboo, now he feels bad for you'

"Okay, Ranboo, nice to meet you. Do you want to grab your things from the alleyway and then we can head back to my house. I am just going to message my dad about this situation" Wilbur finishes and I nod before going to grab my bag of belongings.

Wibur POV:

After I see Ranboo exit the bakery, I quickly pull out my phone to call Phil.

"Hey Wilbur, what do you need?" I hear Phil ask me through the phone.

"Um, theres a kid" I reply casually like it happened often.


"When I went to the bakery, there was a kid eating a sausage roll in there. Turns out he is homeless and has been getting food from the bakery by Niki"

"So what are you planning on doing with the kid?" Phil asks me and without hesitation I reply.

"Bringing him home and he can sleep in the quest room until we find what to do with him"

"How old is he?" Phil questions, he probably doesn't want to deal with another Tommy, or Tubbo but he technically doens't live with us, he just stays the night alot.

"15, but he seems to be way quieter and way less hettic than Tommy"

"Then its fine, bring the kid home"


Ranboo POV:

I followed Wibur to his house and lets just say that this house was absolutely beautiful looking from the outside. Large and modern is the easiest way to describe it but the people who lived here were definetely rich.

I think Wilbur noticed my shocked face as I saw him let out a chuckle.

"I know, its an awesome house, lets go in" Wilbur announced to me as he went up to the front door and put his key into it, turning it until there was a click signifing that the door was unlocked.

The door properly opened and we stepped inside.

To the sound of shouting.


The End of Chapter 2.

A Life full of Promise - Ranboo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now