(8) Why?

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TWs: Homophobia, F-slur, Manipulation

Ranboo POV:

Honestly things have been great for me recently. Its been a couple of weeks since my birthday and the whole family has been great with it.

Well there is one thing wrong.

Tubbo has been completely ignoring me since Schlatt and him left the house on my birthday. Everytime I see him, I try and talk to him but he just ignores me and leaves. I was going to get to the bottom of it at some point and make him talk to me.

That was my mission for today.

"So you have a kid?" I asked confused, not fully understanding what I had just been told.

"Yes" Wilbur replied.

"How though, you're so young?" I shot back. I remember when Schlatt said about a kid during his homophobic rant, but I never figured out who he was talking about until just now when Wilbur told me that he was the one with the kid and the one that was bi.

"That is a very long story" Phil said as he walked into the kitchen where me and Will were sitting.

"Yeah, very long story and its not that great anyway so I think its best if we dont talk about it" Wilbur was clearly embarassed. Whatever the story was, it was clearly very strange and I wanted to know.

"Come on, i'm sure its a great story" I exclaimed, hoping it would get Wilbur to tell me but instead he just stood up and walked out of the room. "How bad is this story?" I asked Phil who was still in the room, washing up.

"Um, quite bad. I wont tell you everything but I will say that he had sex with a fish hybrid named Sally and Fundy was then born but Sally left them, so now Fundy lives with my parents and Wilbur visits him and sometimes Fundy comes here to stay but that happens rarely"

"So then, why is Wilbur so embarassed about it?" I cautiously ask.

"Its probably best if Wilbur tells you why" I nod in understanding before exiting my seat and leaving the kitchen.

As I walk into the living room theres a knock on the front door with an excited Tommy now running down the stairs. I see Kristin glare at him as he sprints and he quickly slows down, now walking to the door.

He opens it up to reveal Tubbo standing there looking just as excited as Tommy. They quickly give each other a hug before they start to make their journey into the house.

Tubbo quickly spots me though and there's a good few seconds of awkward silence as we stare at each other before Tubbo snapped out of it and followed Tommy upstairs.

I sat on the sofa defeated that I must have lost my only friend.

"What is that about?" Kristin asked me as I sat next to her.

"Its just ever since my birthday hes been avoiding me." I respond.

"Ahh, its probably just that Schlatt told him to avoid you. I'm surprised Schlatt allowed him to come around here at all but I guess Schlatt trusts Tommy to be straight"

"Yeah probably". That just makes me mad.

"Why dont you go and talk to him?"

"What?" I shoot back confused.

"Well, Schlatt isnt here so who's stopping you from going and talking to him?"

"Nobody?" I respond and she gave me a quick nod.

I stood up and ran over to the stairs, quickly making my way up them. She is right after all.

I knocked on Tommy's bedroom door, hearing a "come in" a couple seconds later. Walking into the room I notice Tommy and Tubbo both sat on the bed playing minecraft on the tv that he has.

Silently I rush over to the bed, grabbing Tubbo by the arm and pulling him out of the room, towards my room. Shutting the door behind me we now stand in silence.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I break the silence with that question, getting straight to the point.

"No reason" I hear him mumble back.

"Well thats a lie. So tell me, why are you ignoring me, is it because of Schlatt?" I see him turn red as I mention Schlatt. Thats answers it. "So, your father is making you avoid me and you are listening to him just like that. You're the one who convinced and tried to force me to come out and now that I have, you're just going to ignore me. You cant just do that Tubbo" I started to see tears fall from his eyes. I clearly hit a nerve.

"Maybe I just realised how much of a freak you are and that what you are is wrong. So just leave me alone, fucking f*ggot" Tubbo shouted in disgust and anger before pushing past me to leave the room.

Tubbo opened the bedroom door to reveal Tommy standing there, he was clearly listening in, but Tubbo just ignored him and ran away. Im assuming to his house.

I quickly broke down into tears, sitting down on my bed, but Tommy was quick to pull me into a hug.

Tubbo POV:

I ran to leave the house, ignoring the stares from Kristin and Phil. I managed to speedily unlock the front door and ran outside, sprinting to my house.

"Ahh, there you are" My father anounced as I stepped into the house that reeked of alcholol. "Did you do what I asked?"  I give him a nod before rushing up the stairs to my room.

"Good job but we need to work on making sure you dont cry next time" I hear Schlatt shout as I slam my bedroom door.

Schlatt POV:

"Haha, its all going to plan. That disgusting family wont know what hit them!" I laugh to myself as I sip on my third beer of the day.

The End of Chapter 8.

Note: The main story plot is now starting and I hope you guys are going to enjoy it cause its going to be very interesting and hopefully the way I write it, it wont be too confusing. Leave a vote if you want. Thank you.

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