(6) The Weird Looks

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Note: When I first started this story I was originally going to update it every Monday, Wednesday and Friday but between being ill recently, writers block and lack of motivation that plan has sort of gone out of the window. From now on, chapters will be made and published whenever I can so there wont be a certain schuedule. I will make sure to finish this story though and hopefully it will be as good as planned.

Now onto the actual chapter, its more of a filler chapter tbh but its still important to the story.

TWs: Mentions of Homophobia and Kicking out a child

Ranboo POV:

The room was tense as the entire family + Tubbo was in the living room. I really dont understand Tubbo's sudden problem with me. We were all good and friends until HE decided to invade my privacy, yet he was pissed at me.

It's been a week since the fight between the two of us and Tubbo was sadly still staying with us as his father was still off somewhere. I didn't care enough to find out where his father was but I could only hope that he would be back soon so Tubbo could leave, cause this past week has been so rough and awkward.

The constant stares and glares between the two of us, well mostly it was Tubbo who was doing the staring and glaring. I only did it when he was doing it at the same time.

Right now was another one of those cases, the two of us just glaring at each other for no real reason whilst all the others were paying attention to the film that was currently playing on the TV, well apart from Techno he was reading a book like usual.

"Ok, this has to stop". Me and Tubbo both stop glaring at each other to look at the person who just spoke, it was Phil, he looked rather annoyed and i'm not surprised.

"What?" I hear Tubbo ask.

"This...tension between you two needs to stop. Its been going on for a week now and you guys need to sort this situation out and be friends again because I am not dealing with this everytime Tubbo stays over at our house. So, what you two are going to do is" He finished and stood up from his seat on the sofa. Phil walked over to the front door, opening it straight away. He stood waiting at the open door for a few seconds before he spoke again. "Come on then, you two" he, ordered? I'm not sure, it was definetely more demanding than he usually does but ordered might be a stretch.

The two of us left the house with Phil before we started on a walk towards somewhere.

After a few minutes of me and Tubbo walking behind Phil in complete silence we arrived at our destination, the park.

"Okay, this might be too harsh but you two are going to sit on the swing set and talk out your problems with each other and you guys are not allowed to come back to the house until you are on good terms with each other, got it?". We both nodded immediately and went over to the swing set as Phil walked back to the house.

The first few minutes off sitting on the swing set was silent, neither of us wanting to be the first one to speak but eventually Tubbo gave in.

"Just why didn't you tell me?"

"Umm, because I didn't have too, its not really something that you have to tell people"

"But I wanted you to know that if you told me, I wouldn't have a problem with it, I fully support you"

"Thanks, I guess"

"And I understand that you have been burnt in the past when it came to your whole sexuality thing and it makes sense that you werent planning on telling anyone but---" Tubbo was saying before I interrupted him.

"I was going to tell everyone eventually but I was building up to it, I've been going to therapy and my therapist has been helping me with my confidence so I could come out to the family but then you started to force me to do it and it made it all worse and then you said the thing about my parents so I just snapped at you. I'm sorry for punching you"

"Apology not accepted" I snap my head up from looking at the ground to look at Tubbo confused.


"I'm not accepting your apology Ranboo"


"Because you shouldn't be sorry in the first place. I was the one who read your journal without permission, I was the one who tried to force you into a tricky situation and I was the one you made the insenstive line about your parents so i'm sorry about everything. I guess I just couldn't accept that I was in the wrong so I kept glaring at you and acting like you were the bad guy even though I was the bad guy in the end"

"Well now you know my secret and about my homophobic parents and them kicking me out after I came out to them. Theres nothing left for you to know so...friends again?" I ask, hoping for a yes.

"Friends again"

We got off the swings and started the few minute long journey back to the house in silence, well it was silent until Tubbo spoke up.

"I just want you to know that you really don't have anything to worry about when it comes to telling them. They will be 100% fine with it. To be honest I feel like they already know" Tubbo finished and we continued to walk in silence until we reached the front door of the house.

"I know Techno knows, he figured it out on my first day here"

"Yeah, you arent really great at hiding mate" As soon as Tubbo finished talking the door opened to reveal Phil looking in a much better mood than before.

"Have you guys figured things out?" We both nodded and he let us back into the house. A bit gullible to just assume but its fine.

We quickly headed up to my room and started to hang out again.

"Ive decided when i'm going to come out to everyone" I told Tubbo as we sat on my bed with his laptop in front of us

"Awesome, when are you going to do it?" He asked looking at me with excitement and interest.

"On my birthday" I answer him.

"Oh, when is your birthday?" He was clearly confused so I quickly got rid of that for him.


The End of Chapter 6.

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