(3) Could this be it?

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TWs: Being found out, Mentions of Homophobia, Depression and depressing thoughts

Ranboo POV:

To say this place looked nice would be an understatment. The people in this house also seemed nice, for now at least, that might change like it usually does but for now it is good.

I found out quite qucikly that the reason why they had so much money was because they all streamed and they were quite well known.

But they didn't seem like the typical rich family. Apart from having a big house they seemed quite humble.

I was currently in the guest room, which for a guest room was very big, it even has a balcony. Phil, or dadza like Tommy told me to call him, told me to unpack my things into the large wardrobe. So that was what I was doing right now.

I really didn't want to mess this opportunity up so I had one mission in my head at the moment.

Make sure no one finds out I am gay.


I was sitting on the bed inside the guest room, writing in my journal about what has recently happened to me, when I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

Putting my journal down onto the bedside table before going to the door and opening it to reveal Kristin holding a glass of lemonade.

"I thought you might want a drink" Kristin said walking into the room and placing it onto the bedside table.

"Thank you, Miss Kristin" I respond nervously, I still needed to get properly comfortable around these people.

"Its my pleasure and don't call me Miss, just Kristin is fine" She said as she left the room, I nod to her before she closed the door gently.

Got it, just Kristin.

I take a sip of the lemonade, it was delicious, as I go back to my journal.

Not too long after, I fall asleep.


The next morning I wake up to the sound of shouting downstairs, I've only been here for one night and I knew that the shouting was from Tommy.

I took a moment to gain my bearings before I got off the bed and quickly changed my clothes. I only had like three t'shirts, two pairs of trousers/jeans and a pair of shoes that were torn and slightly too small for me.

'Definetely need new clothes' I thought as I got changed.


Heading down the stairs, I saw everyone in the kitchen, i'm assuming for breakfast.

"Oh, hey Ranboob!" Tommy shouts as he notices me walking into the room.

"Tommy, don't shout all the time" I hear Wilbur say, clearly annoyed at all the shouting.

"I can shout if I want to!" Tommy shoots back, shouting again.

"Tommy!" Phil warns.

"Fine" Tommy groans. "Come on then, Ranboo, take a seat. We're having eggs and bacon for breakfast" Tommy unshers me over and I take a seat next to him.

"So, Ranboo" Phil speaks and I look to him. "How did you sleep?" He asks me.

"It was fine, better than any bed i've slept in before, thank you" I respond politely, being very careful with what I say to not get in trouble.

"No need to thank me. If there is someone in need, we help them. That's how I ended up with Wilbur and Techno" I look over at the two to see Wilbur smiling at me and Techno with an emotionless face, a bit creepy but its fine I suppose. I quickly look away from him and back to everyone else.

"Sooooo" Tommy drags out the so. "Ranboo, whats your opinion on women?"

Oh, fuck!

"Tommy!" Kristin warns as she and Phil continues to cook the breakfast. "You can't ask everyone that when you meet them its rude"

"Why is it rude?" Tommy argues.

"He might not be interested in women" Wilbur says.

'Shit, they're catching on.'

I see out of the corner of my eye, that Techno was giving me a wierd look, like he knew something.

"Its fine" I speak up

"See, I wasn't being rude. He wants to talk about women" Tommy defends and the arguing turns into almost silence. "So, whats your favourite woman?"



Breakfast sure was something, the food was lovely and the conversation was interesting.

I could get used to it.

Phil did say over breakfast that we were going to go to the shopping centre later to get me some clothes. I tried to tell him that they didn't have to spend their money on me but they were having none of it.

I was minding my own business in the guest room when there was a knock at the door.

'Must be a common thing then' I thought to myself as I got up from the bed and walke over to open the door.

It was Techno standing outside the room waiting.

"Hello Techno, do you want to come in?". Techno nods before entering the room, he's an odd person thats for sure.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask as I sit back onto the bed, journal in hand.

"I want to talk about breakfast" He says in a monotone voice. I start to worry slightly about what it could be about.

"Why do you want to talk about breakfast?" I question nervously.

"I saw you freeze up after Wilbur mentioned about the possibitly of not being interested in women"

Jesus. I'm so screwed.

"Oh, that was nothing, I was just not used to that sort of conversation around a dining table, so I got a bit nervous" I try and say as convinigly as possible. I'm not sure it worked.

"Yeah, sure, that was the reason. Let me just tell you that you're not at any risk here so you don't have to worry about any possible backlash"

Great, he knows now.

"What are you talking about, I'm not gay or anything" I defend trying to convince him, I was panicking, this cant be happening again.

"Sure you're not but I don't get why you are so worried, we have no problem about that shit here" He says before leaving the room.

Leaving me in a panic.

'He knows and it wont be long before everyone else finds out and they kick me out'

It wasn't long until Phil was calling me so we could go out and get things for me.


We got quite a lot of clothes for me, like some nice looking hawaiian shirts, and other things like a desk, that apparently will have a computer set up on, and some new shoes, which I was very thankful because my old ones were so old and uncomfortable.

Techno came with us and he kept looking at me wierdly, I could tell he didn't like me and I'm not surprised. I'm a disappoint for everyone.

Nobody wants a gay person in their family, my parents made that clear.

We got back to the house and I immediately rushed upstairs to the guest room to get away from the awkwardiness with Techno.

I face planted onto the bed and started to cry, my mental health was on the rise since I came here the day before but now it had plummeted again.

As I was crying, there was knocking at the bedroom door but I ignored it. I didn't want people to see me like this, escpicially people I barely knew.

Eventually I fall asleep thinking about my life.

'Why am I like this?'

The End of Chapter 3.

A Life full of Promise - Ranboo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now