(4) Depression and Disorders

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TWs: A slight Eating Disorder, Depression, Coming out, Mentions of conversion therapy/abuse/rape

Philza POV:

"DINNERS READY!" I shout to everyone in the house to make sure they hear me.

"Oh, yes, whats for dinner?" Tommy asks as he runs down the stairs.

"Meatballs and pasta" I respond and Tommy cheers as he takes a seat at the table.

After a couple minutes Wilbur and Techno come down and sit at the table.

We sit and wait for Ranboo but he doesn't come.

"Tommy, can you go and get Ranboo please?" I ask him and he nods before running up the stairs.

I look over to Kristin to see that she has a worried look on her face, probably for Ranboo.

Ranboo has been acting weird since the day we went to the shopping centre. He hasn't really been eating and he rarely leaves his room.

We wait for a few minutes before Tommy comes down, dragging an almost lifeless Ranboo behind him.

"Come on Ranboo, take a seat" Tommy says and Ranboo reluctantly takes a seat next to Techno.

I see Techno look at Ranboo with some sort of guilt in his expression. I'm good at reading people. Ranboo looks at Techno for a second before looking back down to the ground.

Everyone apart from Ranboo starts to eat their meal in silence until I decide to speak up.

"Ranboo, can you please try and eat something?" I ask, concerned about what was happening to this boy.

He doesn't answer me, he just gets up from his seat and he walks back up the stairs and back to his room.

"What is with him recently?" I girt my teeth as I look to everyone else at the table. I see Techno looking even more guilty of something.

"What happened Techno?" I question him. He looks up from his food

"I don't know" He responds with his monotone voice. He was obviously lying.

"Lies, mate, I can read people too well. What happened?" I press.

"Its not my place to talk about it but maybe you should get him a therapist or something".

'That just made me even more confused'

"Why would he need a therapist?" Tommy asked, now looking worried.

"Because he has clearly been through a lot of shit and I found out something that I can't talk about with you guys so get him a therapist, one of those might help him" Techno answers before leaving the room and going upstairs.

Maybe Techno has a point.

Techno POV:

I walk over to Ranboo's room and knock on the door. As expected he didn't answer the door so I walked in anyway.

Ranboo was laying on his bed, face into the pillow.

"Hello Ranboo" I spoke trying to get his attention. He turns his head to face me for a second before going back to his previous position.

"Go away" I hear him mumble.

"No" I sit on his bed.

"Why not?" He says but its muffled by the pillow.

"Because I need you to talk to me or anyone for that matter"

"Why, I'm perfectly fine?"

"No you're not. I know you have been going through a tough time and I know that some of the reason is because of me but I, no we need you to eat and to spend time outside of this room because you are going to kill yourself eventually and no one wants that to happen"

A Life full of Promise - Ranboo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now