(11) Panic at the Shops

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TWs: Panic Attack, Homophobia

Ranboo POV:

Its been a few weeks since I got the job at the bakery and everything was going good for me. I still haven't seen Tubbo since the fight just after my birthday. Well, actually I have seen him but he just completely ignores me and refuses to even look at me.

It was almost Christmas and today was the day where the family does their annual Christmas shop where they buy all the food they have on and around Christmas.

I remember when I was living with my biological parents, every time they would go and do the Christmas shop they would refuse to let me go with them and they would always give me the same excuse "You will get in the way and waste time". Looking back, maybe it was a good thing that I wasnt living with them anyway, they werent great parents to begin with. I just drove things too far when I came out too them.

I was allowed to go with this family though as the entire family goes on the shop. The atmosphere around towns were always great when its Christmas time with the lights hanging on houses and trees, the Christmas music playing in shops and people constantly rushing around to get presents.

Christmas used to be my favourite time of the year but that all changed when I wasnt even allowed to celebrate it in the foster homes I stayed in. This family was different, its been different from the start. This would be the first year that I actually got to celebrate Christmas since I was with my bio parents.


We arrived at the large supermarket and it was packed with people rushing around for food but that was to be expected considering it was only a couple of days before Christmas.

The six of us started to walk around the shop, picking up and getting anything that looked nice and other things that were essential for Christmas like a turkey and pigs in blankets. Everything was going great, I was slightly uneased by the sheer amount of people that were in the store but I dealt with it. Of course though, as it is me, things never go good for me.

We were all in the meat isle which surprisingly was quite empty compared to the other isles and I was looking around, keeping an eye on people to make sure they dont do anything bad, whilst the others looked at all the meats that we could get.

"Hey Ranboo, do you want some tongue?" Tommy spoke to me, now standing in front of me, blocking my view. My face scrunched up in confusion at what he said.

"What did you say?" I responded.

"Do you want some tongue?" Tommy repeats, standing firm with his wierd question.

"You do realise what that means right?" I asked him to make sure he understands what he just said.

"What, cow tongue, do you want some beef tongue?" He asked, now revealing a packet of beef tongue that looked awful.

I looked down at the packet of meat before looking back up at Tommy but that was when I noticed them. Standing behind Tommy towards the end of the aisle was the two people that I havent seen in a very long time.

My parents.

I froze, staring directly at them as they looked at the Turkeys. Tommy was waving his hand in front of me to get my attention but my eyes didn't budge.

I saw Tommy's head also turn to look at where I was staring but he was just confused. My breathing started to pick up to signify the start of a panic attack.

Eventually my parents looked up from the Turkey's and turned to look in my direction, locking eyes with me. It was like we were in a staring contest and I was not winning as tears started to creep up into my eyes.

They started to walk towards us and my breathing was now really starting to accelerate.

"Hello Ranboo, thought we would never see you again after we kicked you out?" My former mother spoke and now Tommy knew what was going on and he looked at me with pity in his eyes.

Pity. Thats the worst thing someone can ever give you.

"Oh, is our 'son' too scared to speak, you've gotten rather tall these past few years yet you are still a coward" My former father insulted me as Tommy and other shoppers watched on.

"Are you still 'gay' Ranboo?" My former mother said with disgust evident. "cause if not then we would be more than happy to bring you back h--" She tried to finish but she was gladly interrupted by an angry man.

"Can you two leave my kids alone?" Phil warned, now standing in front of me and Tommy.

"Ha, Ranboo isn't your kid. He's our kid, well, he was our kid until he betrayed our family" My former father spat, standing up to Phil.

Phil looked back at me, seeing the tears and me having a full blown panic attack. He must have just worked out who these people were. Kristin was now trying to comfort me.

"Well, you guys had your chance to be parents but you ruined it when you kicked him out. He's safe with my family so I suggest you leave before this escalates too much" Phil demanded but father didn't back down, looking like he was ready to punch someone.

Kristin let go off me and walked over to where Phil and my biological parents were. Wilbur instantly took over with trying to get me to calm down.

The two couples looked like they were ready to fight each other right here in the supermarket but before anything diastarous could happen an employee stepped in too break things up.

"You four need to stop this" The employee warned. Phil and kristin were both quick to comply but the other two werent. "You two" He started, pointing to my biological parents. "need to leave the store for starting all this"

"What!?" My former father shouted angrily. "We didn't start anything. It was my f*ggot son who started this!"

"Get out before I call the police!" The employee stood his ground well again my former parents.

"Fine but we are not done with you" Father shouted and pointed to Phil and Kristin before the two of them left the aisle and the store.

"Thank you..." Phil started but stopped to look down at the employee's name tag. "Thank you Dream. Cool name"

"Its fine, just dont get in anymore trouble"

"We wont, dont worry" Kristin spoke and Dream walked away.

"Are you alright Ranboo?" Techno asked me and I gave a reassruing nod in response.

"Lets get back to shopping then"

The End of Chapter 11.

Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really struggled to finish off this one but I hope you guys like it. Hopefully the next chapter will be up sometime soon. Stay safe everyone cause this world is awful.

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