(13) One on One Time

438 9 15

TWs: Homo/Transphobia, Use of F and T slur, Kidnapping

Extra warning - Heavy angst for the rest of the story so be prepared.

Philza POV:

"I'm just saying that maybe you and Ranboo need a day out just the two of you" Kristin spoke as we made dinner together.

"I agree" Techno said as he read his book at the table waiting for the food to be done.

"Fine, I will do it" I agreed reluctantly.

"Why are you so againest spending a day one on one with Ranboo anyway?" Wilbur asked me.

"I'm not againest it, its just that he's been here for months now but he's still quite shy around us, the only people he isn't like that with is you three, Sapnap and our friends at the bakery. I just feel like we haven't really connected with each other that much" I finished and the three of them started to laugh. "What?"

"Well, lets not forget when you literally saved his life and plus the whole point of having a day out, just the two of you, is so you can have that time to connect" Kristin responded as the two of us finished up the food.

"TOMMY!! RANBOO!! DINNERS DONE!" I shouted upstairs and it only took a few seconds for the two of them to be sprinting down the stairs.

"Stop running everytime you two" Kristin warned as usual but she knew they wouldn't listen.

We all sat down at the table and dug into our food with light chatter going on during. Towards the end of the meal I decided to bring up the day out to Ranboo.

"So, Ranboo?" I turn to look at Ranboo as he looks up from his plate. I could see slight fear creep up onto his face as if he was in trouble or something so I quickly put that fear to an end.


The Next day.

Ranboo POV:

Journal Entry No.101:

So, Phil wants the two of us to go out together and spend the day one on one. I'm not sure why he wants to do it exactly but I am excited about it. After all he did save my life a couple of months ago so I cant really complain about having to spend the day with him.

Hopefully I am not too boring for him.

"Ranboo, are you ready to go?" I look up from my journal to see Phil poking his head into the room.

"Yeah!" I exclaim closing up the journal and placing it down softly onto my bedside table.


Philza POV:

It was supposed to be a simple day out for the two of us, a very simple day out, but it didn't turn out like that.

We had just finished having a meal at Nandos and now we were in a clothes shop. Thats when everything turned shit.

"Oh, thats a nice jacket" Ranboo pointed out and went up to where the jacket was.

"You do realise that, that is a womens jacket right?" Someone said, we looked over to where the voice came from.

Standing there was a woman, probably middle aged from the looks of it, and she had a look on her face but I couldn't quite work out what is was, anger or disgust maybe.

Something tells me I know where this was going.

"Oh, is it, sorry I didn't realise" Ranboo apoligised looking worried that he made a big mistake.

"Thats fine, so why don't you two go over to where the mens jacket's are" Her tone angered me so I scoffed at her, maybe not the smartest idea to be honest. "What was that?" Ranboo looked at me with worry.

A Life full of Promise - Ranboo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now