(15) A Life full of Promise

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NOTE: There was originally going to be more chapters to this story but with the lack of motivation or time to write them I have decided to cut this story short. This will be the final chapter of this story.

TWs: Fire, Knives, Scars, Mentions of Kidnapping (Sorry if I missed any)

Ranboo POV:

I dont know how long i've been down in the basement, you sort of lose you sense of time when you have nothing to track the time with, but what I did know was that it was long enough that my new family must have moved on with their lives.

Schlatt was currently out of the basement doing something, he refused to tell me. I knew that I wasnt making it out alive. Schlatt was torturing me bad at the start but recently he's got ten times worse, there was no doubt that he was getting close to ending me and I was ready for it, I just wanted this to be over.

 Currently I was sobbing on the cold floor of the basement, Schlatt had forgot to cover my mouth before he left so I was planning on using it to my advantage.


It felt like ages before I heard any movement from upstairs, I heard the basement door open and the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. I see...Schlatt? holding a knife with his usual evil smile, I knew what was about to happen so I closed my eyes, readying myself for what was to come.

When I didn't feel the knife enter my body I opened my eyes again to see Tubbo in front of me...crying.

"Tu-Tubbo" I stuttered out, my voice hoarse from not speaking for a long time.

"Oh, yes, sorry, lets get you out of here" Tubbo quickly started to untie me from the ropes that held me down.

It took a few minutes before he got me out but he eventually did and went to help me up to my feet but as soon as I made it up I felt my legs buckle and I fell right back to the ground, hitting my head at the same time.


Journal Entry No.102:

I dont know how i'm still alive but I guess I have Tubbo to thank for that, but is it a good thing that I'm still alive I can't help but think that maybe it isn't. I've brought so much pain and suffering to my new family and its all my fault.

I'm currently in hospital, stuck here for a while due to the amount of injuries ive sustained from Schlatt. The doctors have said that most of my body will be covered with scars. Great, another thing that people will use to insult me.

The entire family comes and visits me a lot, so does Sapnap and Karl but less often.

Phil and Kristin announced to me during their most recent visit to the hospital that they are now planning on adopting Tubbo as he has no other family he can live with. I don't feel great about the idea but he did save my life so I guess I cant complain to much about it.

They also came with good news. Schlatt had been arrested and has already been put in prison where he will be staying for the rest of his life.

Justice. I'm happy I got that.


Philza POV:

Ranboo had got back from the hospital a couple of weeks ago. He and Tubbo have been awkward around each other but that was to be expected considering their past. Tubbo was sharing a room with Tommy cause we thought that would save everyone a lot of potential problems.

It was late at night and I was working in my office when I started to smell something rather strange, it smelt like smoke and it didn't take long before I could see faint smoke come into the room from the hallway. The smoke alarm was going off and I quickly exited the office, running into the living room.

There was fire coming from kitchen but it was far too big to put out by myself. I shout upstairs to get everyone out of the house. Footsteps quickly follow the shout and everyone makes it out of the house, everyone but Ranboo.

The flames continue to grow and we had to be quick. I go to enter the house to get Ranboo but Wilbur blocks me before running inside himself, I shout to him to get him to come back but he ignores me and continues his journey.

Wilbur POV:

I run into the burning house, ignoring dad shouting at me to go back but I cant leave Ranboo to die and I wasn't going to let anyone else risk their lives.

I enter Ranboo's bedroom to see him somehow still asleep.

"How can anyone sleep through something like this?" I mumble to myself as I manage to get him onto my shoulders and I leave the room in a rush.

I feel Ranboo start to stir on my shoulders, I could tell he was very much panicking now.

We make it down the stairs but as I reach the door, managing to get Ranboo outside before the ceiling gave in, crushing me under it. I instantly passed out.

Techno POV:

I watch in silence as Wilbur pushes Ranboo out of the house but I saw as he was crushed. The firemen started to arrive as I ran to help Wilbur out but I was pushed back by dad trying to make sure I dont get burnt.

"LET ME HELP HIM!" I warn dad as I struggle against him but he wasn't giving in.

"NO!" dad cried still holding me back as I saw some firemen start to move the rubble that was crushing Wilbur whilst all the others work to put out the fire. "I cant risk losing you as well!"

I stop struggling deciding to sit down next to Ranboo on the ground, watching everything we own go up in flames. I pull Ranboo into a hug as he cried. dad doing the same with mum and Tubbo doing the same with Tommy.

All promise was lost.


Journal Entry NO.1:

My new journal. The other one was lost to the fire, so was everything else we owned. The house was completely destroyed. No one knows how the fire started, they think it was just a freak accident but I was not sold on that.

We are now in a new home, equally big and equally nice. We even have a new resident living with us, Fundy. He was now living with us, now that we had the space for him. Plus he wanted to be with his dad. Wilbur survived the fire, barely. He had to have one of his legs amputated due to the damage to it but we are all just glad that he made it. I wouldn't off been able to handle the guilt if he had died, considering he was only in that position because of me.

I have started to stream, managing to become quite popular already. Things between me and Tubbo have sorted themselves out, thank god because it was so awkward before.

Oh, mum and dad is calling us down for dinner, I better go.

When this started my life was an absolute mess. My life is still a mess but its a nice mess, A mess I love.

The End.

Note: I really hope that you enjoyed the chapter and the story and once again sorry about cutting the story a little short. Thank you for all the support and I will return soon with another story, hopefully.

A Life full of Promise - Ranboo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now