(12) Sapnap?

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Note - I have no plan on removing Techno from this story or any story that I might write in the future. I hope that is fine with you, if not then I guess just dont read my stories.

TWs: Mentions of rape/abuse/homophobia and conversion therapy

Ranboo POV:

Journal Entry No.100:

Christmas has now come and gone, it was very awkward after what happened at the shops with my bio parents. Luckily we havent seen them since that incident but it still made me nervous that they were going to try and do something. If they ever came into the bakery whilst I was working I genuiely dont know what I would do.

I am just about to start another shift at the bakery and I was excited to see Niki, Eret and Callum again. They made me take a week off around Christmas as I was younger and they wouldnt take no for an answer.

I'm up to 100 journal entries now. Thats a lot, hopefully there wont be many more.

I placed my journal back down onto my bedside table and got ready for work.


Leaving the house, the first thing I notice is Tubbo leaving his house at the same time. He quickly noticed me and we stared at each other for a few seconds before he dashed away. I quickly shook the awkward moment off before starting on my walk towards the bakery.


It was an ordinary shift at the bakery, at least for the first half of the day but of course as it was me, everything had to change.

I had just finished off with a customer, they wanted a hot chocolate and a sausage roll, what a weird mix of things. But I was wiping off the tables when I heard the bakery door open.

I look up from the table to see who it was so I could go and serve them but I quickly stopped in my tracks.

"Sapnap?" I asked as I saw who was in front of me.

"Hi Ranboo" He responded with a smile and I quickly pulled him into a hug.

We continued to hug until Niki interrupted us.

"Am I interrupting something?" The two of us quickly pulled apart and looked at Niki.

"Niki, this is Sapnap. Sapnap, this is Niki" I introduced the two of them to each other. I think Niki realised that we needed some time to catch up with each other so she let me have the rest of the day off.


"What are the chances that you just randomly walk into the place I work?" I said as we walked.

"Pretty high actually, I've been out of that house for a while and I found that you worked at that bakery. So ive known that you work there for a while but I didn't have the confidence but I finally decided to do it today" He answered.

"Wait, how did you get out anyway?" I was happy and confused that he had escaped that horrible.

"Some people moved in next door and ended up over hearing them assualting me so they called the cops and our torturers have been arrested and they are going to prison for a very long time."

"Thats awesome dude. Where are you staying now?"

"With my boyfriend, Karl, his parents are letting me stay for as long as I need. They arent like other parents when it came to the gay stuff. They are happy that Karl's found me" Sapnap spoke with a big smile on his face the entire time. "What about you Ranboo, did you end up somewhere good?"

"Yeah, my new family is great. Theres been a few hiccups along the way but overall its been good"

"A few hiccups?"

Should I tell him? may as well.

"On my birthday, I came out to the family and whilst the family was fine with it. My best friends dad was there and he did not take it well and he threw a fit and then after that my friend was all weird around me then they started to be rude to me. My bestfriend was the one who convinced me to come out in the first place then he started to insult me and after we had a fight. I sort off started to spiral into a place, only a few people come back from."

"Well, don't worry about that, you just have to move on from that friend and get other ones. That Niki seems nice, plus now i'm back so you have me"

"Yeah and thats great. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I didn't come back to get you even after I promised"

"Its fine Ranboo, do you want to go and meet Karl?" He looked up at me with a smile.

"Yes, that sounds great" I responded and Sapnap started to take off into a run causing me to have to run.

Lets just say that I was exhausted by the time we made it to Karls house.


I unlocked the door to the house and entered. Karl was really nice, i'm happy that Sapnap had such a great person in his life and we already scheduled a day out for the three of us.

I sat down onto the sofa next to Techno, who was reading a book like usual.

"Good day?" Techno asked with his montone voice, he must have noticed my smile and mood was better than usual.

"Yeah, great day" I responded looking at him.

"Well, mum and dad are out. Wilbur is with his friends tonight and Tommy is demaded that he went with Wilbur so its just us two. Do you want to order some pizza?"

"Obviously" I exclaimed.

The end of chapter 12.

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