(5) Just a Misunderstanding

636 17 15

TWs: Small panic attack, Fighting, Arguing, Forcing someone to come out, Mention of Homophobia

Ranboo POV:

It was just supposed to be a normal day. But of course things dont work out that way.

They never do.

I had recently met the family friend, his name is Tubbo, he's cool. It turns out that he stays over at the house quite often but he and his father were on a trip when I turned up and they had only recently returned.

Apparently his father, Schlatt, is a drunk so Tubbo stays over when he gets too drunk. Makes sense to me.

The two of us got along quickly and we have been hanging out a lot, along with Tommy of course.

Its been a few weeks since my first therapy and things have been starting to look up for me, for now at least, and I have been hoping that it would continue to be that way. Maybe even to the point where I do feel comfortable and confident enough to come out to this family but for now my mouth was closed.

Which is why I feel like I cant forgive him.

Tubbo and I were sitting on my bed watching The Office on his laptop, we were also talking to each other throughout but most of our attention was on the show. We both loved the show so we would watch it often when he was around.

All the others were off doing their own things. I think Wilbur was out with his friends, Techno was on his computer as usual, Phil and Kristin were downstairs watching something most likely and Tommy was sleeping.

We had just finished another episode of the office when Tubbo decided to speak up.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

"I'm not sure but right now I need to go to the toilet, I'll be back in a minute" I responded as I stood up from the bed.

"Okay!" Tubbo exclaims as I leave the room.

As I finish going to the toilet and I washing my hands I heard the sound of a draw closing from my room, it was rather loud, so I finished up as quick as possible and left the bathroom to the sight of Tubbo on my bed.

Reading my journal.

Oh no!

"What are you doing?" I ask slowly as my breathing starts to turn irregualar.

"Just reading as I waited for you to get out of the bathroom" He responded closing the journal, placing it down next to him on the bed.

He must of only been reading it for a few seconds but he for sure saw the thing I was dreading most.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tubbo asked. Here we go.

"Tell you what?" I replied hoping he would drop the subject. He didn't.

"You know what i'm talking about. As soon as you saw me with your journal, you were in shock so don't lie to me"

"Sure, but I didn't have to tell you and I didn't want to tell you so I didn't. Its as simple as that Tubbo" I speak grabbing my journal off the bed.

"Friends dont lie to each other though"

"I didn't lie to you, I just didn't tell you something and I wasn't ready to tell you" I said but I was really starting to get annoyed at this.

Why was Tubbo being so overdramatic about this?

"Do the others know?" He asked.

I shook my head and said "No, I am still trying to work up the confidence to do it"

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