(7) This Is It

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TWs: Coming Out, Homophobia, Transphobia, Use of Slurs

Ranboo POV:

I really wasnt epecting to happen on my birthday considering I didn't tell anyone in the family about my birthday and even if I did I doubt they would have cared anyway but I was wrong.

I woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen downstairs which put a smile on my face to start of the day. My nerves for what I had planned to do later in the day were starting to take over my body but I tried my best to hold them down.

Walking down the stairs I noticed that everyone was already up, which is odd because in the time that I have been in this house they are never up this early in the day. I didn't think too much of it and continued my descent down the stairs.

"Did you get the cake and---Oh good morning Ranboo" Phil announced as he noticed me coming down the stairs, causing everyone to look at me suddenly.

"Good morning" I respond and everyone looks at me with big smiles.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table with everyones eyes on me. I look around confused but it all changed when Tommy decided to speak up.

"Happy birthday Ranboo!" Tommy shouted, making me cover my ears. I could see that Phil and Kristin glared at Tommy for doing that. "Sorry" Tommy apoligises and I look at him with a smile so he knows that I am fine.

"How do you guys know about my birthday anyway?" I question all of them.

"A little while after you came to stay here we knew that we wanted you to stay so we properly adopted you and got all your information including when your birthday is. So Happy birthday mate" Phil told me.

"Thank you" I didn't know how to react to that news. They adopted me? Like adopt, adopt or just they meant fostering but said adopt?

"What do you mean adopt?" I ask them wanting to get an answer.

"It means you are staying here, with us, forever and Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are now legally your brothers. Oh, and of course, me and Kristin are now your legal parents"


It was now a little later in the day and there was a knock on the door. All of us were in the living room at the time watching movies. Phil went to see who it was. It was Tubbo and Schlatt.

Schlatt came back late last night and took Tubbo home with him, but now they were back and I knew that I would have to do this soon.

Tubbo walked up to me straight away after entering the house and asked me to talk in private, which I agreed too. We quickly went upstairs to my room to talk.

"Have you done it yet?" Tubbo asked me straight away.

"No, I thought I would wait for you to arrive". Tubbo pulled a strange face after I said that but he quickly snapped out of it and spoke.

"Oh cool, lets go back down then, shall we?" I nodded my head and he quickly rushed out of the room.

Whats up with him? I thought to myself before shaking the thought and leaving the room.

Here we go, this is it then.


Everyone was hanging out in the living room, talking to each other, when Schlatt spoke to me.

"So how old are you again Ranboo?" Schlatt asked me, everyone looked towards us.

"16" I answer easily.

"Oh, on the look out for any girls?" As he finished I looked towards Tubbo and Techno who were conviently sitting next to each other at this time. They looked at me with confused faces but Tubbo gave me a nod and he leaned over to whisper in Techno's ear. But after Tubbo finished telling Techno they both looked over to me with...worried faces?

I couldn't quite read their faces probably but they looked like they were slightly scared for me.

"Actually I wanted to talk about that" I announced to everyone and I stood up from the sofa. Everyone's eyes were on me. I think Wilbur already knew where this was going judging by the look on his face.


I finally said it aloud. I stayed looking at the ground, nervous for the reactions. There was suddenly the sound the footsteps and then the feeling of two sets of arms around me. I slightly up to see that it was Phil and Kristin so I decided to hug them back.

"For fuck sake" We released from the hug upon hearing those words. They came from Schlatt.

"What?" Kristin exclaims.

"Your new son" Schlatt said the son with quotation marks, he clearly has something against adoption but he continued. "is a f*ggot" Schlatt slurred with disgust and distain in his voice.

There it is, the slur. Every house there is atleast one person who hates me.

"Like why cant this family be normal. A gay son and A bisexual son" A bisexual son. Who's bi? Nevermind back to the insults by Schlatt. "And lets not forget that, that same son also has a kid who's a fucking tr*nny"

What the fuck is going on?

There was clearly anger throughout the entire family. Phil not taking it anymore walked over to Schlatt and punched him hard around the face before giving him a warning.

"Nobody and I mean nobody talks shit about my family and gets away with it. Now get out of my home and dont even think about coming back" Phil warned and Schlatt backed away and went to leave the house.

He opened the front door and was just about to leave before he turned around and spoke again.

"You all should be ashamed with yourselves. Now, Tubbo we are leaving these disgusting people" Schlatt shouted into the house.

"What?" Tubbo shouted back annoyed.

"Dont shout at me Tubbo. I don't want you to hang around this horrible family anymore so come on before I have to come and drag you with me" Schlatt threatened his own son.

Tubbo, now looking rather sad turned around to us and gave a small wave before leaving with Schlatt.


The End of Chapter 7.

Note: I feel like I could have done a better job at writing this chapter. I dont know but it just feels a bit rushed to me so I might come back at a later date and rewrite it slightly but I hope you guys enjoyed anyway.

A Life full of Promise - Ranboo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now