(14) Honey, I lost a Kid

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TWs: Manipualation, Torture, Knives, References to Homophobia, Getting Drunk, Fighting

Lots of POV changes in this chapter so be prepared.

Wilbur POV:

"Wilbur! Stop running!" I hear Techno shout from behind me as he tried to catch up but I didn't stop. I needed to keep going.

Techno continued to follow me and call out but I never listened and I didn't stop running till I reached my destination.

Our grandparents house.

Both me and Techno were out of breath as we approached the front door.

"Why are we here Wilbur?" Techno asked between quick breaths.

"I needed to make sure Fundy was okay" I look over to Techno who just nodded and gave me a quick smile before going back to his expressionless self.

The front door opened to reveal our grandparents, our grandad being the one with Fundy in his arms. As soon as Fundy's eyes rested on me a big smile escaped his lips and he started to extend his arms for me to take him. I took Fundy into my arms before turning back to our grandparents.

"This is a surprise, what are you guys doing here?" Grandma asked us.

"Somethings happened, something bad" I answered to which their faces immediately filled with worry.


Philza POV:

The police arrived a little while ago and have asked us questions but I knew that they weren't going to do much. The police around here mainly just dealt with simple thefts, never have they done a kidnapping but hey, may as well have some hope.


Hope was something that I quickly lost as days went by with nothing new turning up to help with the case. The entire family was panicking and it was very tense in the house for the past few days.

Fundy has been staying with us since the day Ranboo went missing as Wilbur needed to knew he was safe but even then every night once Fundy was asleep Wilbur would sneak out to go and drink with his friends.

Wilbur POV:

I had finally got Fundy to sleep and it was now time for me to go and hang with my friends. Every time theres something bad going on we do it, every night till the problems resolves. This is a problem I don't think is going to resolve, not anytime soon anyway.


I made it to the location, it was a treehouse that we made a few years ago for times like these, and I saw that everyone was already here.

"Anything new?" Eret asked me as soon as he saw me enter the treehouse. I quickly shake my head no before taking a seat next to Callum. They were quick to comfort me as usual. Niki passed everyone a drink so we could start.


2 and a bit hours later and the four of us were all completely out of it. The four of us continuing to talk and laugh whilst pouring alcohol into our systems.


Techno POV:

It was 9am and I was awake. I usually wake up later but i've been struggling to sleep ever since Ranboo went missing. It wasn't long before I was sat in my gaming chair at my desk and playing bedwars.

After a little while of playing I was interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door. I shouted for them to come in.

"Techno" I look over to the door to see Fundy there looking scared.

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