The Beginning

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"Remind me again why we thought college was a good idea?" I question my partner in crime as we make our way to our second class of the day. Said friend laughs before replying. "Well, in my case, this gets me out of high school faster. In your case, it was your own choice." I only shake my head, knowing he was right. "Just because you know it all doesn't mean you have to rub it in, Raf." A smile is on my face, however, and he only laughs in response. "Come on, Rache, you're going to make us late... again!" He takes off towards the science building, and I can barely hold in my laughter as his tiny frame weaves between the legs of all the adults around him.

Raphael, the seventeen-year-old genius that has been my closest friend for the past two years, was racing me, the twenty-two-year-old college kid that regrets her life choices, to our next class like kindergartners.

Then again, we've been doing this for the past two years.

So I was already right behind him.

Most of the other students around us are already making a path. A few newcomers stumble out of our way, to which we quickly yell "Sorry!" as we rush past. Raph's shortness helps him maneuver easier, however, my long legs still easily surpass him as we near the door. My foot steps in the door first, and I turn around just as he makes it in.

"I still win, short stack." He huffs, then laughs. "Whatever you say, too tall."

Out of breath, we trek up the stairs to our class and prepare to have our minds numbed for the next hour and a half. The lecture begins a few minutes after we take our seats. Nothing out of the ordinary speech detailing micro bacteria and their effect on the human body when the immune system crashes or is depleted from a lack of proper substances. We take notes, swap doodles, highlight exam-related areas, and proceed to make it look like we hadn't already studied this whole chapter and figured out the homework two nights ago. It was always our usual thing to do, study ahead so if something comes up, we can take a raincheck and enjoy life.

Today was one of those days.

Normally, we'd leave for another class after this one, but Raph and I decided our weekend should start a bit sooner. Everything was already turned in and graded for the next class, so we were skippin' out and heading to the new gaming cafe that opened up down the street.

It feels like an eternity until the professor finally turns the projector off and we all pack up and start filing out the door. Just as Raph and I start to exit, the professor calls him over. The professor's expression is grim, but I try not to seem worried. I wait outside, slightly peeking in to see the professor hand Raph a note, and Raph slips him a twenty-dollar bill. The professor says something in a very hushed tone, but Raph only gives him a soft smile and a slight nod. The professor sighs and turns away.

As Raph rejoins me, I motion with my hand towards the note. "Well? What did he find?" Raph shoos my hand away as he walks to a sitting area away from the crowds. Here at the school, there is another person that holds a similar interest in what's going on in the world that people are trying to keep hidden. We've never officially met, but online we have bumped into each other while... 'researching' some government websites.

We keep in touch via notes to the professor to keep said government off our scents.

Mr. Professor likes the extra cash on the side.

It's a win-win.

Once we are finally out of the general sight of most people, Raf unfolds the note, and we both grow rigid as an atom in zero kelvin temperatures.


That's all it said, and we knew exactly what it meant. All our plans for the night have now changed, and we needed to get out of here as fast as possible. Quickly, he crumbles the note and pockets it. Tightening the straps on our backpacks, we book it down the stairs and out the door. We swiftly make our way through the masses of students, pushing and shoving, trying to still say sorry, but the panic was taking over. The parking lot was so close, but it felt like lightyears away. I could see my car parked near the middle, but my eye drifts to my left when large black SUVs stick out like a sore thumb. There were three in total, and they couldn't scream 'FBI' any louder.

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