Finding Lost Friends

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A branch crunching in the distance stirs me awake. I hadn't realized how much sleep I really needed. No dreams happened this time, no nightmares or memories, just pure, peaceful slumber. My eyes struggle to stay open until another snap makes me shoot straight up.

I'm still on Wheeljack's shoulder.

He's in bot form.

We're out in the open.

Slowly, I turn to look behind us. I can already tell by the way his motors are running he is recharging as well. He's not aware of the fact so much time has passed. People could be out here and spot us.

My eyes fall on a family of black bears slowly moving towards us and the lake. The large mother gazes at us, but disregards the massive mech as a threat and nudges her children towards the water. My eyes follow them in awe. I've always wanted to be up close with bears, and the zoo simply never felt right. Being able to see them now, in their natural habitat, holds a different feeling.


My blood runs cold. I turn my head again to see two back-packers on the trail further up. They have a camera in their hands, and it's pointing right at us. I can see the red dot from here.

"Wheeljack, wake up." I whisper, trying to nudge his helm. The hikers are moving closer. The bears have noticed. The larger momma bear lets out a warning roar, gaining the attention of the hikers. I see the camera drop a bit, so I push against Wheeljack's helm once more.

"Jackie! Wake up! Now!"

His fans finally kick on in high gear. Blue light emits from his optics, and he turns his helm toward me. His helm snaps up to gaze behind me, and I turn to see the hikers pointing the camera at us once again. We need tobget out of here and I need to find their footage online and delete it before the wrong people get ahold of it.

The black bear roars again, the hikers now getting too close to her and her cubs. The guys stop, but that camera stays up and on. If they are live streaming this nature walk, we are in even more danger than they are with the bear. Wheeljack starts to move, but the bear also starts to lunge towards the hikers. The two men move back a few steps, but their eyes stay on us. 

"We need to get out of here, Rache."

"But the bear, Jackie."

The cubs are moving from the lake now and into the woods, but the momma bear is starting to near the hikers. She's showing hostility since the hikers are refusing to leave her home. If we leave now, it could spook her more and she could attack them. The longer we stay, the more we endanger ourselves.


"Hold on, I have an idea."

I move to the edge of his shoulder plating a bit, waving my hand to get the attention of the hikers. One of them seems to notice my tiny form finally, and they slightly wave back. However, the bear snarls, stomping her foot a bit. 

"Hey! You need to leave! She's going to attack you if you don't go now!"

"What is that thing?"

"It's my robot, and I'd like to stay under the radar if you don't mind!"

The two humans look between each other before one of them actually lowers the camera and turns it off. They step back and I let out a breath. I keep their attention and keep talking. I'm more surprised the bear hasn't turned at my voice, but I need to make sure everyone stays safe.

"Look, please don't upload that! Last thing I need is the government knocking on my door and taking this away from me, okay?"

"I'm sorry, but it was a live stream! We can delete it when we-" The bear suddenly charges, and the guys turn and run, but the one speaking finishes his sentence just before they get out of range. "When we get home! I'm sorry!"

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