
18 1 0

"Optimus, please. I can't keep doing this." For the first time in a week, I've finally gotten the Prime alone. He stops just before the entrance to the hall to the berthrooms. His back is to me, but I can hear his spark beat slightly spike. Not even the voices in my processor can keep me from getting this silent treatment to end. Ever since we learned about my spark belonging to Jaz and my processor belonging to something called a 'predacon', Optimus has been keeping his distance from me. It almost seems like he's avoiding me. Even Sideswipe has noticed while we've been recovering.

Heck, even Wheeljack has seen it too!

The Prime barely shifts, but I can tell he's about to try and dismiss this. I move to the edge of the platform I'm on, holding the railing in my hands. "Optimus, please. Stop avoiding me. I can't control what happened, and I can't take any more of this silent treatment!" He turns just a bit at that, enough for me to see the side of his helm. He's not normally one to act like this, but Jazz was his second in command. 

And a close friend.

He finally turns to face me completely. His optics look me over carefully, but I can see the regret in them. My eyes threaten to spill over, but I hold the floodgates back. If I start crying, I won't be able to control it. My grip tightens, the bars creaking beneath my hands. 

"It's not my fault that the spark I hold used to belong to Jazz, but you keep alienating me as if it were. I know it hurts, but Optimus," a single tear breaks through, causing the stream to start gushing.

"You're not the only one hurting right now."

My words hit home as Optimus' optics widen. He quickly moves closer, lowering himself to be eye to optic with me. His faceplates stop hiding his emotions for once. 

"Rachel, I deeply apologize for my actions. I did not mean to cause you harm." He pauses, and I can tell he's searching for the right words. I shake my head, trying to keep the tears from continuing but having no luck.

"Optimus, I just want things back to the way they were." He locks his gaze on my own. Nothing in said verbally, but the soft look in his optics speaks volumes. As a leader, he's supposed to be the one who keeps his cool, and stays calm under distress. This news must have been something that even he couldn't keep a straight face with. To remain under control, he had to process this information alone.

And I understand that.

I just wish he was done processing by now. 

Optimus finally nods, standing straight and offering a servo. I carefully climb on and he lifts me to his shoulder. He starts to move the moment I'm settled. Optimus presses a button next to a massive door, and it opens to reveal a cybertronian-sized elevator. He steps in then presses the button that points up, and I feel relief settling in. Just like at the old base, Optimus and I enjoyed going to the highest point to get away from everything and everyone.

For some reason, I always felt at home in the sky.

It doesn't take long for the lift to make it. When the door opens, I take a deep breath. Despite this part of Nevada being almost nothing but desert, the air this high up is still cool to the touch. It's refreshing too, especially after being under house arrest since rescuing Sideswipe and Ironhide.

Or, since they rescued Wheeljack and myself, that is.

Optimus moves towards one edge of the mountain. He carefully lowers himself, his legs dangling over the edge. I stay propped on his shoulder, nearly mimicking how he's sitting. I take a deep breath, feeling even the two occupying my mind sigh in relief. My gaze sweeps over the desert field around us. Up here, there's no one around, nothing that can touch us right now. The sky is so clear, and the sunset is a burning fire on the horizon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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