New Base

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There's a hole in the wall of the main hangar, and I launch through it. The brace on my leg is sparking, but I keep my gaze ahead. I needed to make it to the other bots, and lead them to Ratchet and Smokescreen before-

I skid to a stop, my heart - er, spark - hammering in my chest at the sight.

The Autobot berth hanger was in flames. I could see Bumblebee fighting off a few drones to the side, and Ironhide was directly in front of the entrance, blasting some vehicons off their peds. However, the bright blue energon leaking from them was evidence enough that they were attacked at the same time as us. There is movement behind him in the base, but I can't distinguish it.

And right now, I'm out in the open, in the middle of a battlefield. 

All around me are jets flying low, fighting off the aerial attack while soldiers and other bots are on the ground trying to fend off the ground units. I could see blood and energon mixing from the wounded. My legs are frozen in place.

This is all my fault. They were after me and I led them here somehow...

Laughter pierces the air around me, shaking me to my core and wrenching my feet off the ground in shock. It was a deep, soul-crushing cackle, one that I hoped never to hear again. I spin as the ground quakes with the landing of a massive silver mech. His purple optics lock onto my small form, and I feel tears start to form in my eyes from the fear rising within me.

"I tried to warn you, human, but you wouldn't listen."


I barely can say his name when a familiar purple and black mech steps out from behind him. His faceless gaze turns towards me, and I suck in a deep breath. I need to focus. My leg is still mending, the brace is failing, and I am in the middle of a battlefield. I turn to look at the Autobot berth, or what's left of it. None of them have seen me yet, let alone the leader of the Decepticons. I turn to face where I had run from, but the only ones that I can see are the humans running from the falling building. I spot Sam and Raf booking it towards the lab. At least I know they are okay.

Because I don't think I'll make it out of this one this time.

I turn back to Megatron, who steps toward me. Instinct makes me step backward, and I feel the brace shift on my leg. I grimace in pain-

There's no pain.

My eyes widen and I gaze down at the brace. It was nearly falling off my leg at this point, but there was no sensation of pain or a broken bone coming from it. My pulse quickens, and I remember the energon that was absorbed into my skin. My mind races, ideas forming. I have used inhuman strength before, but it wasn't mine to control. I turn to face Megatron again, who had gotten uncomfortably close now. Soundwave was just behind him, his weird tentacle-like appendages appearing from his back.

Megatron was kneeling before me as if he was trying to seem kind. My spine shivers, screaming 'danger' throughout my body. I need to think, focus. Figure out how to use whatever odd abilities I have from this meld of man and machine and escape.

"If you come willingly, we will leave this place and all who are in it alone."

I stop thinking.

My eyes meet his optics.

He's lying, I know he is.

But what if he's not?

I hear a shout to the left, towards the berths. I can just see the outline of a blue and red mech fighting. His bright cyan optics are shining in my peripherals, but I can't move my gaze. 

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