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[Rachel's POV]

"I told you already, I'm fine Wheeljack." I huff, shaking my arm away from his careful touch. I was trying to conceal the anger I still harbored from our escape. Many were left behind, but that wasn't the only thing that angered me. I led them to us. I still don't know how, but I am what they are after.

And so many were possibly lost because of it.

How did the Decepticons find out about me, especially when I didn't know anything about me? So many questions without answers, and each of them all point toward the spark within my chest. A cool hand rests on my arm once more, and I sigh before gazing into the bright blue eyes of Wheeljack's holoform. I take in a deep breath, steadying my heart - or, I guess, spark. Right now, none of that mattered. What matters most is getting everyone back here.

"We'll get everyone back, kiddo. Trust me."

I can't reply, but I try to offer a small smile. Wheeljack returns it before standing and vanishing in a shower of sparks. His mech form next to the metal walkway boots back online, his optics lighting up as he blinks rapidly.

"I'll never get used to that..."

I slightly chuckle, but stand from the small couch I was on. A few wires hang from my chest and back. They are hooked up to a moveable computer that is monitoring my spark. This new base is small, but it will work out for now. Walkways and massive computers were already here, but the issue at hand is updating them. Apparently, they had set up these bases years ago but never touched them again, nearly losing their existence until a few months ago when I was asking Lennox about potential areas for retreats.

And I am beyond glad I asked.

Wheeljack moves towards the computers and begins typing. His digits are flying madly across the keys, his optics narrow in mild irritation. "Any luck, Raph?" I spot the younger boy off to the side by the human-sized computers, madly typing away as well.

"I think so, yes! Updates and bypasses are complete! Everything should be up and running!"

As if on queue, the screens before Wheeljack spring to life with a map of the globe, signals of each bot in the base, and slowly a few more appear on the holographic earth.

"Yes! Thank the Allspark!"

I feel joy jump in my chest. Wheeljack looks at the globe, a frown on his face. "Not everyone is on the map." He says, but I move closer and lean against the railing, dragging the rolling computer with me. "Not everything is at full power yet. Plus, some of them may have made it to one of the other two bases." Wheeljack only nods in reply. It was hard, but I have to believe they are okay.

All of them.

I hear engines suddenly echo through the silo. I turn to watch the entrance as Optimus, Bumblebee, and Arcee drive through. Sam steps out of Bee as the other two are transforming. They went on a supply run to the town nearby for us humans as none of the food here was any good, and MREs only go so far. We'd like to keep those for 'can't leave at all' emergencies. I stayed behind as Wheeljack insisted on keeping an eye on my spark. It would seem the little amount of energon I had touched was drained again, and he was weary about the effect it would have.

Plus, I wasn't ready to revisit Jasper, Nevada just yet.

Optimus is the first to move towards the screens. "Have you located the others?"

"A few have popped up, but not everything is running at full capacity. Raph here just helped me get it up and running only a moment before you returned." Optimus nods then turns to me. I see something flicker across his optics for a brief moment, but I can't tell what it was. Possibly concern? 

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