Change of Plans

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[Rachel POV ???]

My eyes are heavy, but I finally get them to open. However, I'm met by complete darkness, forcing me to blink multiple times until I realize my eyes are, in fact, open. I lift a hand, and I can see it just fine. Quickly, I sit up, dazed and confused. There was no way I was on the Nemesis, everything was too quiet. Was I in a dream?

My chest was hurting.

I look down and I shout as I attempt to scramble away from the glow that was emitting from my chest. It was an orange glow, almost like a fire. It was painful, but not in a way that hurt. I don't know how to describe it. It feels like it's blocked, and the discomfort was from the fact I was suppressing it.

But what was it?

Your rage, child.

I snap my head up, letting out a scream as I lock eyes with a pair of burning yellow optics. The glow they were emitting outlined the helm they sat in, but only enough to tell this was not anything human or mech.

It looks like a dragon.

You continue to hold it back. Learn to control it, or it will overtake you.

I can barely control my breathing, but my chest starts burning again. What was happening? Is this a dream? Who is this being? So many questions are in my mind right now, and I can't figure out how to produce any words.

All I know is I have to wake up. 

You must let it go.

I gaze at the optics, but they begin to fade. 

Take control, or lose it all.

Suddenly, I feel tightness around me again. I feel pain start to resurface in my body. Noises and voices echo around in my ears, but the burning sensation in my chest remains.

Let it go.


I finally stop suppressing the rage in my chest and let it flow freely through my whole being. I can feel anger surging, and my mind suddenly has only one thing in mind:


I can feel my hands pressed against my sides, and my knives are still in place. I grip the hilts in my hands and hear the voices finally clear up until I can understand them.

"Activate a ground bridge, Soundwave."

That's right. Soundwave has me in his tentacles. I was trapped. 

Not for long.

I hear the ground bridge activate and feel movement around me. I have to act now.

With a rageful shout, I press my arms outward with knives in hand and somehow slice through the metallic tentacle that was holding me. As I gravity takes hold, I throw my knives out toward Soundwave's exposed joints. They hit their mark, causing the mech to crash down against the ground within the bridge he opened. Once I near the ground, I prep myself to tuck and roll. With easy, I succeed and dash forward out of the bridge. I open my hands, feeling the magnets activate and the knives crash against my open palms. 

I quickly fling my arms forward, releasing the blades once more as Megatron's ped comes into view. They crash through an open slit in his plating, and I feel joy as he crashes to one knee in pain. "Jump." I say, and I feel the suit around me shift towards my legs. "Reinforce leg plating." The armor around my feet and legs shift once more.

As I near the downed Decepticon, I launch myself into the air, feeling the boost from my suit send me higher than natural. Quickly, I flip over as Megatron turns to look at me. The last thing I can see before my foot connects with his helm is his wide optics watching me in utter shock. 

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