Finding Out

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It has been well over twelve hours since our cabin was decimated, we were nearly splattered by rockets and then rescued by those alien robots we were searching for only hours ago. The sun was now rising on the horizon, and I could feel sleep slipping away as I watch the ocean wave good morning at me. We are still on the road, miles away from my home. My eyes shift to the side mirrors that reveal the same eighteen-wheeler behind us still.

I carefully look to make sure Sam and Raph are still asleep. Both are snoozing away, drooling like babies. Normally, that would make me laugh, but my heart was heavy. I nearly got Raph and Sam killed by refusing to let go of my past. Sure, I finally got what I wanted, but nearly at the cost of not just my life, but the lives of those around me.

Better make the most of this chance.

"Hey, Bee?"

I hear the radio beep. I assume that was it-him- replying.

"It's okay to call you Bee, right?"

I get another beep, followed by a deep male voice saying 'yes'. Must have been a movie clip. I turn to gaze out the window, chin on my arm and my arm on the edge where the window would normally be. Mine had been all the way down for the past few hours, Sam's was cracked to make sure no ears popped. The smell of the sea was relaxing, but I couldn't skip the opportunity.

"How long have you been here, Bee?"

There are a few beeps, then silence. I sigh, but another voice pipes in. "A long, long time." It was another movie clip, but it wasn't the answer I had been hoping for. So instead, I just ask the next question.

"You were in Mission City, weren't you?"

The silence is confirmation enough, but a deep voice suddenly emits from the radio.


It's only a single word, but I can tell it is not from any movie clip or radio talk show. It was definitely not Bumblebee's, as the authority it held in tone alone didn't fit right with this Camaro. I turn in my seat, gazing out the back window to eye the semi-truck. Something told me that voice belonged to the bot that was following us.


The car buzzes, but I stay looking back towards the semi.

"Stop the car, please."

He buzzes again, and I turn to glare at the radio.

"Either you stop the car, or I will jump out."

I hear sporadic buzzing, but I start to open the door before he can lock it. His wheels screech as he slams on the breaks. I keep my posture ridged so I don't lose my grip on the door and get stuck in the car. Despite hearing Raph tumble off the back seat and Sam grunt as his seatbelt tightens, I quickly step out as the car finally stops. I can hear the radio buzzing rapidly, but I ignore it and continue toward the semi-truck. It seems like he anticipated the sudden stop, as he was slowly rolling to a halt as well. I stand waiting as the truck slowly rolls to a stop before me. The driver's side door opens, and I carefully make my way inside. I clasp the seatbelt on and sit quietly on the driver's side.

Ahead of us, Bee starts moving forward again and the semi-truck slowly follows behind. For a while, there is silence. My heart is pounding in my chest, but I keep my breathing as steady as possible.

"Do I scare you?"

That deep voice from before softly speaks through the radio, and I can't help but slightly jump. I feel the seatbelt slightly tighten as if it was trying to hug me?

"I apologize. I did not mean to startle you."

I slightly chuckle and relax as much as possible. "I-It's okay. I just wasn't expecting you to notice my... unease." I guess I should learn to expect the unexpected from alien robots, but I find myself at a loss of words. Just the other day I had seen this specific bot throw down with another mech, and now I was sitting inside the cab of his alternate form.

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