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[Rachel POV]

"Wow... That's, well, that explains a lot, actually." Wheeljack lowers his gaze, raising a hand to rub the back of his neck.

"You're... taking this surprisingly well." I slightly turn my eyes to see his holoform hunched over next to me, his face contorted into confusion, understanding, and a mix of worry. He turns to watch me carefully, then slightly chuckles. "Well, I guess it's only fair to say this now, but you're speaking to someone who... has gone through what you are going through."

My eyes widen. I knew Wheeljack has lost people, people close to him, but I never expected him to deal with nightmares, fear, and insomnia as well. He's always been the strong, tough shelled wrecker, never letting anything get to him. However, I can see his mask drop, and forgotten pains resurface on his face. In his eyes, I start to see myself.

"You've lost someone... because of someone else you're close to now as well?"

Wheeljack only gives a small nod, turning back to look at the floor. "It's taken me a long time to forgive them, but in the end it is what helped the most. I was able to grieve and move past the pain. It, well, it wasn't instant." He slightly laughs again. I give a soft smile and lay my hand on his shoulder. He turns to me, and I see a sorrowful smile form.

"I'm glad you're here, Jackie. It means a lot that you're willing to listen, and help." I drop my hand back onto the bed and slowly start to stand. Wheeljack is up first and takes my arm. Carefully, I steady myself on my bruised legs, letting out a slight hiss. "Easy, now." Wheeljack slips his arm under mine, and it helps a little. However, the pain is a bit worse than I anticipated. I wouldn't doubt that I have a few fractures from the explosions and trees I crashed against.

"Alright, let's get this over with." I mutter. I try to start moving us towards the door, but suddenly I'm weightless. An arm slips under my legs, and I am now being cradled in Wheeljack's arms.

"Wheeljack! What are you-"

"You're hurt."

"I can walk just fi-"

"You're lying. I'm carrying you. Deal with it."

I close my mouth after that and sigh. I would be lying if I said this was a thousand times less painful. As much as I hate seeming weak in front of anyone, at this moment in time I didn't care. I would rather be seen getting carried the whole way than having to get picked up halfway there.

Besides, I trust Wheeljack not to drop me.

Carefully, he opens the door and makes his way to the Medical Bay. As we arrive, I feel my heart drop a bit at the sight of Colonel Lennox standing there. His back was to us, but I knew he would still see us. As if hearing my thoughts, he turns and his eyes widen at the sight of Wheeljack carrying me.


"It's not as bad as it looks. My legs are just in a lot of pain."

Still, he rushes over to meet us, then walk with us back to where he was just standing. "Any other symptoms? Pains? Soreness?" His face holds worry, and I sigh.

"My ears? Really, Lennox, I got blown up, thrown around, and electrocuted. I'm surprised I'm not worse off."


"Long story, I'll tell you later."

Wheeljack makes it to an empty bed and cautiously lays me down. I sigh as I sink into the mattress. The moment Wheeljack steps back, I am swarmed with doctors. One tries to remove my watch, and before I can speak another doctor appears and grabs his arm.

"That stays if you want accurate readings on her vitals."

I look up at this specific doctor and smile. He held mostly white hair, but there was a single thick streak of red on the left side. His eyes match Wheeljack's and he stands a head taller than the other medics. The doctor that was trying to remove the watch nervously nods his head and retracts his hand swiftly the moment the taller medic releases it. He then disappears, and I can't help but laugh.

Who Guards the Guardians? (!REWRITE! TFP x Movie crossover)Where stories live. Discover now