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Once the exam was over, my arm was in a small brace. The break was there, but it wasn't quite a solid snap. The pieces were still close enough together that I didn't need such a sturdy cast. Also when they pushed for something so clunky, I may have made my opinion well known. The doctors may not be happy about it, but I like having full use of my fingers when working.

I had a gut feeling I wasn't going to just be 'staying' here for free.

If I'm staying here at all.

Carefully, I make my way toward the center of the main hangar. There, stairs led up to a 'U' shaped platform that held many monitors, television screens, and tables. Military personal were walking around on it frantically as if someone was coming that none of them really liked.

I cautiously walk up the steps, feeling the slight concussion they said I had finally kicking in. I thought all of this would have started rearing its ugly head hours ago, but apparently, the adrenaline of being inside a massive alien robot that could snap you in two with their fingers keeps you from feeling immense pain.

My hand goes over my chest at the thought of being torn in two. It felt like my heart skipped a beat, but I ignore it. That was normal whenever I thought about something ripping me apart. Figured that out after multiple nightmares from the battle of Mission City.

Finally, I make it to the top of the stairs and move towards the familiar soldier that was talking to a taller, darker male soldier. His voice was familiar, and I recognize it from the voice at the cabin. I believe I remember his name, so I approach them with a soft smile.

"Sorry to interrupt. It's Eps, correct?" Major Lennox looks at me, and the other man copies his movement. His eyes are slightly wide, and he gives me a single nod. "Yeah, that's me. How'd you know?"

I smirk and attempt to cross my arms. "You raided my house. Next time, make sure the rug isn't hiding something, okay?" Both soldiers gawk at me, then slightly laugh. "Dude, I told you I heard something under the floor."

"Yeah, okay. You were right."

Feeling the tension slightly die in the air, I lower my good arm and gesture to the men running around. "So, who's coming? I've never seen military personal scurrying around so... concerned?" I lock eyes with Major Lennox, and he visibly stiffens. Eps huffs, and grips the gun in his holster tightly. This must be someone they really despise, but can't harm.

"He's... our liaison to the outside world. Somehow he already heard about you guys making it here. To describe him as 'not happy' would be a drastic understatement." I feel slight anger rise in my chest at the way this person was causing these soldiers to suffer just at the mild anticipation of being in his presence.

I can't wait to meet him.

Finally, Sam and Raph make it up to the platform as well. Sam is quick to lock hands with Eps and share a few kind words with Lennox. Raph was oogling over the monitors and all the science stuff that was happening. I move towards the railing, gazing out towards the open hangar doors. I hear his footsteps before his blue and red flamed figure appears outside. He had originally started to go in here before us, but a tall black bot had called him aside to what looked like a training field for these... Cybertronians?

Now, he was coming back in, ducking beneath the bay roof. As he straightens, his optics meet my gaze, and I see his face slightly drop at the sight of the small brace on my arm. I shake my head as he nears. "I'm fine, really! Just a minor break, nothing that won't heal." He gives me a nod, but I can tell he was still holding guilt. I guess that's part of being a leader after all.

"Colonel Lennox, Sergeant Eps."

The two soldiers turn from Sam and face Optimus. Their faces grow serious, and each nods toward the towering mech. Sam quietly moves forward, a small smile on his face. Optimus turns to him as well, and I see that slight crack in his serious features.

Who Guards the Guardians? (!REWRITE! TFP x Movie crossover)Where stories live. Discover now