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[Rachel's POV]

Barricade. The anger I could feel was burning inside my chest. Rage was blinding me from everything but my target. My rifle was already trained on his helm, and I let loose a volley of bullets. Even before they hit, I press a button on the side of the rifle. The magazine drops, and I quickly reload. With a switch, I feel my knives release from my hips and drop toward their new target:

Barricade's spark.

I quickly release even more bullets and I can feel the rage spike as they hit. He stumbles back from Ironhide, who I never realized was just about to get slammed by Barricade. Swiftly, I slap my rifle against my leg, feeling the strap form, and hold the rifle in place. I activate the menu on my wrist and click the wing symbol. Mechanical whirrs echo behind me as massive wings unfold from the armor. They snap out just before I crash against the ground, saving my legs from breaking. I feel the wind push me back up a bit, and I snap them shut as a warning blares in my ears. I land on the ground hard, having to roll to save myself from horrible injuries as a rocket whistles above my head. I lift my eyes to spot Barricade glaring back. He was leaking energon from multiple cracks in his body.


My eyes see red, and I charge forward with a roar. I recall my daggers, watching them rip out from Barricade's chassis. As they near, they merge into one blade, and I catch them in my hands. I hold the sword behind me, rushing forward in a blind rage. Alerts warn me of many missiles coming toward me, but a sudden instinct kicks in and I lose control. I slip beneath the first one, launch myself over the second, and swiftly swing my blade into the third, slicing it clean in two. However, it still explodes as I finish, but I come out unscathed, much to Barricade's demise. His bright red optics widen in sudden fear...


My heart suddenly skips as the thought of his fear fueling me makes my stomach turn. My eyes widen, and I flip over instead and land a solid kick against his cheek. His helm snaps over and he falls onto his back. I crash against the ground and roll, feeling my ears start to ring. My head was spinning, confusion setting in. What was that sensation? That feeling? It... felt right.

I shake my head and stand. I raise my head, expecting a fight. However, all I find is Barricade rushing away with the rest of the drones, dragging their fallen comrades in defeat. I feel a pain in my chest and clutch it, but my mind runs at a million miles an hour. 

'What was that feeling? That... That wasn't me.... was it?'

Once I can lift my gaze again, I see Wheeljack in front of me on one knee. His optics are concerned and I could tell he was scanning me. "Rachel? You there kid?" I shake my head, straightening my stance and sighing. "I'm... I'm here. I just... I don't know what came over me." I look him in the optic, unable to hide the fear and confusion I was feeling. He doesn't say anything for a moment, but he reaches down as if to pick me up. "Hey! I can walk!" I protest. However, my right leg gives way. when I take a step Thankfully, Wheeljack's servo was already close to me, and I fall onto one of his digits. 

"No, you can't. You dislocated your ankle when you decided to kick a solid cybertronian in the helm." I feel my face flush at the reminder, embarrassed that I let rage take hold like that. 


I stop. How was I supposed to explain that it wasn't me who did that? I mean, yes, it was me, but I don't remember doing it. It was almost like I was watching a movie and had no control until I saw Barricade's fear.

Wheeljack moves me up until I am level with his helm.

"But what?"

I shake my head. "I just... thought it would be a good idea. Slicing him would've gotten energon on me, and I can't risk it missing my suit. Also, it doesn't rinse out well." I try to give a slight smile, lifting myself onto my good leg. Wheeljack slightly huffs but offers a small smirk. I feel my mind relax, knowing he had bought my lie.

Who Guards the Guardians? (!REWRITE! TFP x Movie crossover)Where stories live. Discover now