Found Out

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As we enter the shack, Raph locks the door behind us. Carefully, I look around before turning my head towards the outside. My car, a 2009 grey Corvette Stingray, stood out like a sore thumb against the bright spring green. Another reason I pulled it around to the back. No one expects such an expensive-looking car to be near a run-down building.

However, there were no other vehicles around.

I turn my gaze back to the inside, cautiously walking forward. So far, everything looked empty. Turning left, I enter the living room and spot our newfound friend. The man stands up from his squatting position behind an armchair. His dark brown hair was ruffled, unkempt. He was sporting a simple t-shirt and jeans, and his eyes were hazel. His face was young but bore the weight of many years of wandering.

"Samuel James Witwicky."

His eyes widen when I speak, and I can only shake my head. "I should have known. Of all the people to have such detailed information, this is the most logical solution." I can see Raph move into view again. Sam only scratches the back of his neck. "Before you say anything, I'm not the reason we got caught." My eyes narrow, noting the defensiveness in his voice. His movements were tight, rigid. He was nervous.

"Relax, I'm not blaming you. And I'm not going to deck you, so lower your shoulders." His eyes widen again, but he does as directed and relaxes a bit. Raph just laughs before heading toward the confused young adult. "You get used to it. She'll read you like a book." He offers a hand, and Sam takes it. Looks like a firm grip.

"I'm Raph. Nice to finally meet you. Rachel is the intimidator, but don't let that startle you. She's a real softie once you get to know her." Sam only gives a nervous chuckle and looks between us. I only shake my head and start towards a backroom. "Don't ruin my reputation, Raph." Quickly, I flick on a single light that dangles in the middle of the room. The sun was still up, but I knew we were going to be here for a long time. As the other two join me, I hear Sam gasp.

"Welcome to our office."

I gesture around at the multiple computer screens, towers, keyboards, and everything you need when hacking government databases. One table has a large transmitter on it with multiple wires hooking it up to the screen next to it. Compared to the outside, this room seems out of place. It was near the front of the house, but the windows were well tinted. One light would show someone was inside, but not enough to find out what was happening. The router was outside, hidden underneath the paneling just outside the window.

Raph was already moving toward the transmitter, which gains Sam's attention. "Woah, wait! You have an energon detector?! How did you-" I only raise my hand to stop him before moving to one of the other computers. "You really don't want that question answered." I plop down in the swivel chair and start turning on all the equipment. Sam sits next to me, watching carefully. I can already feel a question forming, but I don't have to answer it.

"Don't worry. This place is concealed from anyone being able to track us. We have firewalls on our firewalls under our firewalls." Raph doesn't even move, but I see Sam only shake his head with a small smile. "You guys thought of everything, didn't you?" I only shake my head before turning to him slightly. "Not everything. You know how to track pictures?" Finally, I see a hint of excitement in those dull eyes. Sam nods his head, quickly starting to show the intelligence his notes had provided. "That's easy. What am I looking for, exactly?"

I gesture to the computer set up next to mine. "You're going to scan through local media and national headlines, see if we can find any of these mechanical giants hiding in plain sight. You've been close to them, you know what to look for." I turn back to my own station, quickly logging in and opening up the necessary windows. "I'm going to try and get back into the N.E.S.T. database and-"

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