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[Rachel's POV]

After two and a half weeks, I can't stand not walking anymore. It's three in the morning, I can't sleep, and I know everyone will be in their rooms by now. After many days of sleepless nights, you learn how to sneak around without getting caught. Finally, I carefully move from my desk, stretching to relieve the stiffness from sitting for so long. Thankfully, I was excused from classes due to my 'car accident'. I still have work to do at home, but it was simple and easy to complete. Especially when you can't sleep...

Cautiously, I stand. I put slight weight on my leg, feeling only mild discomfort. With a sigh, I limp along to my door, pulling my robe tight around me. I am wearing a shirt and pajama pants, but this robe is soft and has a hood! I wear it like a jacket all the time.

I open my door quietly, sticking my head out and looking around. As I suspected, the halls were empty, and I am safe to head out. I just needed to move my legs a bit and get my brain to grow quiet. Slowly, I shuffle toward the main hangar. I see the usual large yellow mech standing at the main computers. His optics are closed, and his servos rest on the keyboard before him. As usual, Ratchet fell asleep at his post again while tending to the mech on the berth next to the monitors. I shake my head and quietly make my way over to the side of the large berth. Even though it is dark, I can still see with the light of the computers, and I am able to spot soft cyan light emitting from above.

"Smokes! You awake?"

I hear fans kick on, and then the arm closest to me lowers to the ground. The servo opens up, and a digit gestures for me to climb on. I smile and carefully make my way over. Using Smokescreen's digit as leverage, I carefully climb into his servo. Once settled, he lifts his servo back up to his chassis, and I carefully slide off. He lays his arm back on the berth, and I look up to meet Smokescreen's gaze.

"I never did get a chance to thank you for saving me... Rachel, right?"

I nod, knowing he can see me. A hiss slips past my lips as I make myself comfortable on his chest. "It was my pleasure, Smokescreen. Besides, we need all the help we can get here... How're you holding up?" I feel him shift beneath me, but not enough to knock me over. "Ratchet's been keeping me alive, so far. So I guess not terrible, but definitely not comfortable."

I slightly laugh, then turn to look at the scar that was behind me. It would probably never buff out completely, and it will probably stay tender for a while, but this new kid seems tough. I know he'll get through it.

"Hey... I actually need a favor."

I turn back to face Smokes, and I can see his faceplates slightly scrunch up. Pain. "What's wrong?" I quickly ask, moving so I could hear him better. Neither of us wants to risk waking the sleeping medic, but Smokescreen shouldn't be in pain like that anymore.

"Something is still lodged beneath a plate on my arm. Doc can't seem to reach it, even in holoform. I figured you're a little smaller, maybe you could reach it?" I see movement in the darkness as he lifts the wounded arm, and I nod. "Yeah, let me take a look. I've done some work under doc bot, this should be easy." Smokescreen nods, and I slowly make my way toward his arm. Two platings open up, perhaps where his weapon should be, but it seems like he can't open it further. I can see the piece of metal in the way even in the dim lighting. It is shrapnel, and very small, but it has lodged itself within the gears that allow movement.

"Alright. This should be easy enough. Just... don't move? Okay? I value my fingers staying on my hand." I can feel Smokescreen slightly chuckle, then he stops moving. Swiftly, I shuffle my way in, keeping my leg free from anything it might snag on. Carefully, I reach up and grab a hold of the metal. It was well and truly stuck. He would have to move his plating closed again to get it free, but then I couldn't reach it... unless...

Who Guards the Guardians? (!REWRITE! TFP x Movie crossover)Where stories live. Discover now