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Begrudgingly, Rachel rolls out of her bed and grunts as she stretches her very sore limbs. With sleep-deprived eyes, she gazes at the alarm clock by her bed and feels every bit of willpower inside of her sink at the numbers it read.

5:38 a.m.

Her first day off in nearly a year of living at the Autobot base and someone decided it was a good idea to start wreaking havoc in the main hangar. Rachel lets out a large yawn, then slowly waddles towards the coffee pot near her fridge. It was already starting to brew a cup of caffeine. While she's waiting for the pot to finish brewing, Rachel quickly gets dressed and brushes her teeth. She grabs a watch off a charger by her sink and slips it on. It flashes blue on the screen, revealing the Autobot symbol on it before switching to a simple digital watch face. "Never gets old." She mutters to herself before leaving the bathroom to retrieve her cup of wake-up juice.

Taking a deep breath in, Rachel exits her room and heads down the hall to the left. The closer she became to the main hanger, the louder the banging and screeching became. It didn't take long to realize she was more or less right about the 'wrecking' part as two of her favorite bots were tossing around a massive ball of twisted and mangled pipes. 

A.K.A. the lob ball.

One bot was mostly white, accented with red and green stripes. The other was completely green, but both sported bright cyan blue optics. They were part of the crew called Wreckers, and they specialized in hand-to-hand combat, advanced weaponry, and, obviously, wrecking anything that needs it. The white mech currently held the lob ball and a smirk was on his faceplates.

"Hey Bulkhead, betcha can't catch this!"

With that, the mech chucks the wad of pipes towards the green bot, designation Bulkhead. He catches it easily, but the force of the hit makes him slide back a few feet. Bulkhead lets out a deep laugh and holds the ball in one servo. "That was a good one, but you still can't out-lob me!" With his dominant servo, Bulkhead sends the ball flying straight towards his companion, who swiftly ducks out of the way. It crashes against the wall behind the white mech and starts to fall...

Straight towards Rachel. 

The woman only looks up as it falls, not moving a muscle.

Sure enough, it stops just a few inches above her head, and she simply lifts her cup of coffee to her lips and takes a sip. "Your reflexes are getting a bit slow there, Wheeljack." She comments.

The white mech, designation Wheeljack, pokes his helm from behind the mess of pipes. "I could say the same to you, lil' lady. Or you're a little too trusting in my supposed 'slow reflexes'." Rachel raises her cup and nods.


Rachel moves out of the path of the ball now as Wheeljack sets it down. A large yawn escapes Rachel as she heads towards the stairs that lead to the platforms that allow Rachel to be eye-to-optic with her cybertronian friends. Bulkhead arrives near the walkways first and sticks a single digit out as a small fist bump. Rachel presses her fist against it before yawning once again. "Why are you up so early? I thought this was your day off." Wheeljack walks up and scoffs.

"Lennox gave this one a day off? What was he thinkin'?"

Rachel smirks and shakes her head. "I tried to talk him out of it, but he said I needed to take a day to rest." She pauses to drink more coffee and releases another mighty yawn. "However, it seems two particular mechs decided to wake me bright and early with an immense amount of clanging, banging, and failing to catch a lob ball..." Both of their optics go wide, and they swap guilty looks with each other. Rachel only leans against the railing with tired eyes. She hadn't truly slept well anyways with nightmares plaguing her all night long.

Who Guards the Guardians? (!REWRITE! TFP x Movie crossover)Where stories live. Discover now