Chapter 4

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~<3~This is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart~<3~

"Morning (Y/N)!" You hear as you sit on the chair at your desk in the lab. You whirl around towards the entrance of the lab, only to see the Hamada guy walk in.

You don't acknowledge him and turn back to your work, moving things around the desk you were given. Since you had a "partner", you got to have a work desk of your own in addition to a larger shared worktable. You had a place for everything: calculator in the corner, pens and pencils in a holder, rulers and protractors in the drawer, stuff like that. Call it OCD or what have you, it just helped you focus when everything was in order.

"Wow, I can't believe you're in here this early," he says. "Did you even go home?" He asks, sitting his bag down on his own desk.

"No, I didn't," you respond. You gasp a little in surprise as he drops a sandwich--peanut butter and jelly on wheat, a classic--in front of you on the desk.

"Good thing I brought an extra sandwich," he says, laughing a little. You spin your chair around again to face him.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" You ask before you can think about it. Obviously, it caught him off guard. "I don't even remember your first name."

"First off, its Tadashi," he says with a dramatized bow. "Second, I'm just a nice guy. Thought I'd bring an extra sandwich just in case you'd skipped breakfast. It is, like, 6:00 am, you know."

"...fine," you say, unwrapping the sandwich and taking a bite out of it. God, you didn't know how hungry you were until you ate something!

"Alright, so the first thing I think we should do today is introduce you to...this thing," Tadashi says, motioning towards the creepy, unblinking white puff from yesterday. "I don't have a name for it yet, so I guess we'll just call it Medi or something," he says, walking over to it.

You lean back in your chair and liter as Tadashi explains how Medi works, by taking a small blood sample and analyzing it for diseases and the like a hundred times faster than other means.

He's done after a few hours, with you interjecting questions and having a little discussion here and there.

"So, any ideas?" Tadashi asks finally.

You think for a moment. "Medi is programmed only to diagnose blood-related diseases," you think to yourself. "But what if..."

"What if instead of just blood-related stuff, we make it able to detect all sorts of things, like physical wounds or mental health issues?" You suggest. "It's make him way more useful and versatile."

"I...didn't really think about that before," Tadashi stammers out. "It's just way too much code for one person to make for a robot to be able to perform all those procedures. Plus, if we add in basic health procedures like sterilization or stuff like that, it would be impossible!"

Tadashi must not have seen the glint in your eye as he said the word 'impossible'.

"Well, you don't know me well enough yet," you say, spinning towards your computer and turning it on, quickly hiding the blueprints you drew up last night, deciding not to let him know about them. Not until you can trust him, and maybe not even then. "If you'll do the mechanical junk, I'll get you those codes by the end of the semester," you say, cracking your knuckles and pulling up another program.

Tadashi looked on, wondering who the hell he got for a partner.

~( •-• )~


(Y/N) awoke quickly to her phone ringing. It was 1:00 am; she had slept in! After coaxing herself awake, (Y/N) became aware of her surroundings again, noting that she'd fallen asleep while drawing up plans. Again.

Oh wait, she forgot about--!

As she looked down, she saw that she had accidentally made a giant rip in the paper. She always clawed the material below her during her sleep. Now her blueprints were trashed again. Dammit.



hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I apologize if it's a little lackluster, I tried to make it interesting but it may not have worked? I don't know. Anyways, see you next time!


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