Chapter 14.5-Christmas Special!

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So this is a bit of bonus content before I start wrapping (lol get it 'wrapping' like presents haha jk jk) up the story. Thought I'd put it here instead of after Chapter 15 because I have a feeling you guys won't like me very much then >_>; Enjoy!

(F/c) = favorite color

(Y/f/b) = your favorite band

Christmas time in San Fransokyo was always busy. The airport was clogged throughout the season with people wanting to visit family, whether coming or going. The air bit at your cheeks as you left the house early in the morning for the last day of your first semester at SFIT.

You had stayed up late the night before, working on programming for Medi. You yawned as you jumped onto the trolley, making your way to Tadashi's house for breakfast. Today was the third time you've gone there, and you weren't disappointed.

"Morning, (Y/N)! Cass called out to you from the register as you walked inside the Lucky Cat Café. You greeted her back and ordered your usual--(f/p) with a medium espresso since you were extra tired this morning. And cold. Mostly cold.

You sat down at one of the small booths to wait for Cass to bring your order. Surprisingly, Cass wasn't the one who brought it to you; it was Tadashi, with a serving tray and a towel thrown over his shoulder.

"Hey (Y/N)! I didn't know you came here for breakfast!" He said, surprised. Well, usually you got your food to-go on the way to school, but since today was special, you thought you'd wait for Tadashi.

"Yeah. Wanna sit down with me?" You asked, scooting over in the booth. Tadashi looked around wildly, then made a motion like a "T" with his hands. You followed his line of sight to see Hiro, messy bed head and all giving Tadashi a thumbs-up and walking away. Tadashi slid into the seat next to you, and you gave him half of your pastry.

"You excited for Christmas break?" He asked. You laughed.

"Yeah, but not for my last final today. I wish I could just work in the lab all day instead of going to actual class," you said, making Tadashi chuckle.

"Well, we're going to throw a Christmas party after finals in the lab," Tadashi said, eyes twinkling. "Do you wanna come?"

You beamed at him and nodded yes. Soon, you were finished with your breakfast, and walked out the door with Tadashi, hopping onto his motorbike.

When you made it to school, Tadashi gave you a good-luck hug for your last final exam--Scientific History. You hated this class; you were a whiz with numbers, but you hated having to memorize all these dates.

After struggling through two hours of the final exam, you finished with ten minutes to spare. During those ten minutes, you realized something.

You didn't have anything to give Tadashi for Christmas!

You facepalmed. How could you have forgotten? You guessed it didn't really matter, since the party was in just an hour or so. Suddenly, you had an epiphany. A plan started to formulate in your mind...

~( •-• )~

"Sup (Y/N)?" Fred greeted as you walked into the lab after school was over. You smiled back.

"Not much. It's cold as a bitch outside though, huh?" You said, sweet smile still on your face. Tadashi had always commented how it was hilarious how you could swear like a sailor but still seem sweet. It's a curse, really.

"(Y/N)!" Honey Lemon squealed. "Glad you could make it! We're just about to do the gift exchange," she said. You nodded, messing with the little red-and-green wrapped package in your hands.

"Okay, I'll meet you back here soon. Gotta use the bathroom," you said, darting off into the hallway as Honey Lemon waved at your retreating figure.

You discreetly set up your gift, then went back into the room.

"Hey, losers! We're opening presents!" Go go called out. Immediately, all six of you gathered by the little tree in the middle of the room, decorated with fake beakers and phials and labeled "chemisTREE".

"Okay, everyone has a gift to give, right?" Wasabi asked. Everyone nodded. "Well now it's time to go give your gift to its recipient. (Y/N), we made sure you get one too. We know Tadashi only just asked you this morning," Wasabi said, shooting a glare at Tadashi. He just shrugged.

"Okay everyone, let's go!" Honey Lemon proclaimed. Immediately, the six of you started mingling, giving each other the gifts. Honey Lemon rushed over to you.

"Hey, Merry Christmas!" She said, tugging on the sleeve of your red sweater. "I made it myself."

You opened the wrapping to see a (f/c) sweater with (y/f/b)'s icon, all knitted by Honey Lemon.

"Oh my gosh, it's fantastic!" You exclaimed, hugging her. She laughed.

"That's not all. Look," she said, pulling a rainbow-colored scarf out of the bag and wrapping it around you.

"Thanks Honey Lemon. You're a wonderful friend," you said, embracing her one more time.

The room was still buzzing with activity when you stole away behind the couch Tadashi was sitting on. With a whoosh of wind, you stole his hat and put it on.

"H-Hey!" Tadashi exclaimed. You giggled and ran off into the hallway where you had set up your "present".

Tadashi followed you into the dimly lit hallway. You stood waiting for him.

"What the hell, (Y/N)?" Tadashi asked, pouting. You just laughed.

"C'mere so I can give you your Christmas present," you said, giddiness lacing your voice. Tadashi walked over to you, and you simply pointed upwards.

There was the mistletoe you had hung earlier.

You smirked as Tadashi flushed red with surprise.

"Merry Christmas, Tadashi," you whispered loud enough for only him to hear. Tadashi's hands--callused but gentle--cupped your face as your lips landed on his.



I hope you guys liked that! Maybe a little cliché but hopefully you appreciate the fluff for the holidays.

Have a great few days leading up to Christmas, since I probably won't be active again until I can post the next few chapters! Bye!


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