Chapter 7

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"Tadashi! Why would you do that?" You exclaimed, trying to keep your balance after he yanked you after him in the rush to leave school. Tadashi just gave you a blank look.

"Don't you know I can't do that wi--" you were about to go into full rant mode about how you couldn't walk as fast as other people with this new prosthetic yet, and he should've been a little more careful. But, he still had that confused face--and you knew he was smart enough to put two and two together.

Wait. Did he...not know? Internally, your jaw dropped. For once, someone treated you like you weren't a charity case, like a normal person, and they didn't even know you had a prosthetic?

This could be your chance. Maybe, if he didn't know about it, he wouldn't care.

"...actually, just let me get my shoes one real quick," you said, dashing to get your shoes. As soon as you were done, you ran back over to where Tadashi was waiting by the elevator.

"Ready to go?" He asked. You smiled a little.

"Yeah, let's go," you replied, stepping into the elevator. "So, what kind of car do you drive?" You asked.

"Not a car," Tadashi replied, stepping out as the silver doors of the elevator slid open. "A bike. Makes it a lot easier to go find my brother when he gets into trouble." He handed you a helmet, and you took it.

"What kind of trouble?" You asked, snapping the clasp into place.

"Bot fights mostly," Tadashi replied, sitting down on the motorbike and patting the space behind him. "He's brilliant, he really is. But the kid's too smart for his own damn good," he remarked while you sat down behind him.

"Sweet lord, did I just hear the saint of saints, Tadashi Hamada, swear?" You gasped dramatically. Tadashi laughed, hitting the gas and taking you out into the streets of San Fransokyo.

~( •-• )~

"Cass! I'm home!" Tadashi shouted as he held the door open for you. What door? Well, the door lead inside a small corner coffee shop called the Lucky Cat Café. "And I brought (Y/N) to eat with us!"

"Tadashi, you're home!" A woman with short, dark amber hair and a white apron across her black t-shirt and jeans exclaimed. She ran out from behind the counter and gave Tadashi a hug. "And who's this?" The woman asked, pulling away from him and gesturing to you.

"Aunt Cass, this is (Y/N), my lab partner," Tadashi said. "(Y/N), this is my Aunt Cass."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hama--" you started, but were cut off by Cass giving you a big hug.

"Just call me Aunt Cass, you're part of the family now! Tadashi's already told me so much about you," She beamed. You smiled back, blushing the tiniest bit. Did he really talk about you?

"Yo, 'Dashi, guess what I...found..." A smaller boy with messy, dark hair paused midsentene as he rushed down the stairs.

"Hey Hiro, this is (Y/N)," Tadashi said. "Hiro's my little brother. He may act tough, but he's really just a baby."

"Hey!" Hiro protested as you failed to bite back a giggle.

"Well, nice ta meet ya, lil' man," you said, ruffling the boy's already messy hair as he playfully glared at you.

"Well, if you kids will set the table, I'll close up and we can start dinner!" Cass said. She had an air of energy around her, like she was never sad or serious. It was nice.

You followed the boys upstairs and helped set up the table.

"So, (Y/N), what're you majoring in at the nerd school?" Hiro asked, taking four plates out of a cabinet and handing them to you.

"Uh, excuse me?" You replied.

"SFIT," Tadashi supplied. "It's an inside joke." You laughed and took the plates from Hiro, spreading them across the small dining room table.

"I'm majoring in Bioengineering," you answered. "What about you? What grade are you in?" He looked about old enough to be in eighth, maybe ninth grade.

"Oh, I'm not in school," Hiro replied nonchalantly, setting out napkins and silverware. "I graduated last year." That made you stop in your tracks, mouth wide open.

"Really? That's incredible!" You exclaimed. Hiro thanked you softly, looking disinterested.

"He gets that all the time," Tadashi murmured from behind you, where he was getting drinks. "He hates it when strangers judge him by his intelligence." Well, doesn't everyone?

Saving you from the awkwardness of continued conversation, Cass decided to come up the stairs at exactly that moment.

"Alright, I closed up the café and the wings look about ready," Cass said, glancing towards the oven. "Let's eat!"

~( •-• )~


"Miss Hamada, are you sure you don't want me to hel-"

"(Y/N), I TOLD you to call me Cass! You sit down. Boys, come over here and help me."

You started to walk towards her, but her head whipped around towards you in a flash of auburn, giving you the death stare of the century with a gleam of playfulness in the corner of her eye. That entire sentence contradicted everything about itself.

"What is with this crazy family?" You said you yourself as you sat down, embarrassed.

Idk what that bonus was to you guys but I'm super polite and that would have been a funny situation haha.

Anyways, here's the chapter I promised you guys in the A/N that either before or after this. (Wattpad has been weird since *shiver* the updates.)

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Finally, we get some Hiro and Cass action!! I love those two~!

(I might make a lemon-tinged version of this chapter later on haha...)

Okay, see you later, reader-chan!


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