Chapter 10|| Partner?

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I leaned on the counter and placed my right hand on my chin. I doodled on my note- pad while I wait for another costumer to arrive. Mom said that I didn't have to do half of the work I did on my regular shift. But, I still needed to help her.

Lily is an employee too. She bakes and clean on the coffee shop. She has this beautiful long
blonde hair that falls back to her spine and moves quickly every time she turns.

She came and leaned on the counter joining me."Bored?"

I nodded, while I stared at the door.

She was talking to me but she was muted from my thinking.


The door was opened and 4 tall giraffes walked in. They were so tall.

Michael came and rushed to hug me. "Brianna!." He said, hugging me in excitement. I felt like I was hugging a kitten.

Then Luke came along, he grabbed my torso and hugged me really tightly. My cheeks were painted red.

"I...can't..breath" I said, gasping for air.

He laughed.

Then Ashton and Calum came along and hugged me, again I was gasping for air.

They were so muscular and tall.

"We missed you." Said, Michael smiling.

"I've missed you guys too. But it's been like two days. Saturday and Sunday.Plus we kept in contact. Michael you and Luke and me faced timed." I rolled my eyes while a tinted red color appeared on my cheeks. Luke was biting his pink rosy lips and looking at me like if I was the most fragile and beautiful thing in the world. (Which I'm not)His blue eyes lights up every time I look at him when I'm talking.

"Even if Is 3 hours, we will miss you!" Said Michael, cheerfully.

The boys chuckled crossing their arms.

"So." - I said clapping my hands.- "How can I help you guys," I said waiting for them to order something.

"Actually.. Luke... Has a surprise." Ashton joined in the conversation,scratching his chin and crossing his arms.

"He wants you to be his partner for a party we are attending." Calum said, while taking a sip of his bottle of water.

My hands became to sweat and my knuckles turned white. I because to blush more and I think they were starting to notice.

"Y-Yea, Y-yea,I would love to." I said,smiling at Luke.

Ashton pated Luke on the left arm and smiled. Like a proud father.

"It's tomorrow." Luke added.

"O-okay. Thank you.'' I said, knowing no idea what to say.

"Well, we gotta go to Calum's house. See yah." Luke said,waving.

I waved back but then he came back for a hug.

I laughed.

I felt so protected in his arms.

"Bye." The rest of the boys said and left the coffee shop.

I sighed and sat down.

Partner? Was he too shy to ask me to a party?

How can I help you,sir? ➳ l.h (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora