Chapter Eleven // Moonlight

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"Brianna, honey,you don't want diner? Mom yelled from downstairs, as usual.

"Nope,I'm getting ready for a party."I yelled back.

I was still sitting on my bed with a towel wrapped around my bare body.

"What should I wear?" I whispered, looking around.

I went to my closet and there it was, it caught my eyes. It was so beautiful.

My Baby Blue knee length dress. It had little sparkles that were so flattering and charming. It didn't look like I was going to prom but It didn't looked like I was going to a casual diner at a restaurant.

I put the dress on and pushed it to my chest so it could be higher, since it didn't have straps that could hold my breasts.

I looked down in my closet hoping I could have some shoes to go with it.

I didn't see anything silver.

The only things that I had was a pair of my black shiny combat boots.

That was the only thing I had that could go with a dress so,I decided to put it on and see how It looked on me.

"Way to style it, Brianna." I whispered to my self again.

It was Make up time. The truth is I suck on doing my makeup.

I didn't had to dark more my eyebrows because they are natural dark.

I put eyeliner on for the 3rd time fail attempt. This time it came out good. So,I went over and got my pink shade blush for my cheeks and sprayed a little bit of perfume.

I curled the ends of my hair making it look waiver than curly.

I looked at my phone and I heard the message signal.

From: Luke :D
To: Bri :)
Ready? Coming to the door right now.

I pushed my bedroom door right open and went downstairs, just in time to catch the ring of the bell from the door.

Dad opened the door and saw Luke standing with a charming smile wearing a black suit. He looked at dad and caught his eyes on me.

Luke looked at me head to toes and smiled again, but this smile was so much more than the smile he gave dad.

"I'm glad to meet you Luke." Dad said,shaking Luke's hands.

"It's nice to meet you too, sir" he said, smiling genuinely.

"Are you taking my daughter out?" He questioned Luke, glancing at me back.


"Brianna, remember your curfew. Don't do anything crazy." Dad gave me a hug.

"Bye dad." I said, as I closed the front door.

"You look Beautiful."Luke placed his hands on my torso.

"Thank you, You look handsome too." I said,shyly.

We drove in the black shiny car as I smiled looking at the sky.

The Stars were so beautiful. The moonlight illuminated the path.

"Why you smiling?" He said,as he chuckled.

"Nothing." He made me smile even more.

"Tell me." He said,shyly.

"The stars...t-they are beautiful." I stutter.

He chuckled and kept driving.

We stopped at a parking lot that was supposedly going to lead us to the party.

I saw Luke with something on his hands as he moved.

I glanced again.

He had a basket. A big basket.With a blanket.

He was leading me to a lake.


"We are not going to a party." He said, glancing at the lake.

"O-oh, okay." I said while I looked at Luke that was putting a white blanket over the green grass.

I sat down, and admired the view.

"This is going to sound cliché but we are going to have a picnic over the light,moonlight.You told me how much you love the moonlight and the stars" He said pulling stuff from the picnic basket.

I could feel Luke glancing at me while he out the food.

"This is so adorable." I said shyly blushing.

"Adorable?" He chuckled.

I looked around."I-I mean it's gorgeous."

He laughed again. That cute adorable laugh he always does, that drives me crazy.

"HOW sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank
Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music
Creep in your ears: soft stillness, and the night,
Become the touches of sweet harmony." Luke gently smiled, that smiled dropped gently on my lips.

I blushed. "Quoting Shake Spears."

"Dad read all of shake spears works to me when I was little." I said,taking a bite of my sandwich.

Moments passed and I realize I was staring at Luke when I felt our breaths so close to his lips, and my lips so close to his.

So close to kissing, but my shy self didn't want to move.

Luke caressed his palms on my cheeks and I again I saw Sparkles on the air.

There it was, I couldn't help it. He kissed me as if I was the most fragile thing in the world.

His lips felt so soft, it felt like kissing marshmallows.

For the rest of the night, we stared at the shiny stars and held hands together as tight ,not wanting the moment to slip away.

THERE IT IS everybody the moment of truth has arrived!! I'm so excited!! Ahh. This is for making it up for my testing English exams xC ! Please vote and comment of you think this book should continue also sorry for the misspelling and grammar. I'm going to edit later - Marie

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