Accidental Magic

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Summer. The time of year every kid loves. You can go to the beach, you get a break from school, spending time with your loving families. Well, not for me or my brother, Harry. Once again, our summer was just about as miserable as it could get living with The Dursley's. Horrible, nasty people they are. Muggles, as our kind like to call them. The worst of the sort too. They despised anything magic related and that included Harry and I.

One positive thing had been that Uncle Vernon had seriously had enough of our owls, Hedwig and Arwen. Sounds crazy, but it was because of the ruckus they would both cause from being stuck in their cages. So much so, that he finally allowed us to only let them out of their cages at night. He wanted to make sure we had no outside contact with the wizarding world. Which, with a family like them was kind of hard not to happen anyways.

I mean, Harry and I had given Ron and Hermione our phone number to call, just so they could speak to us over the two months we'd be separated. But it didn't go over well at all. Not when Ron tried to call.  He had spoken so loudly into the receiver, we thought he'd made Uncle Vernon lose an ear. Not that we minded that of course, it was just the yelling and punishment we'd received afterwards. Ron, nor Hermione tried to call again after that. So we just wrote letters late at night.

One night Harry and I had decided to stay up, because we had summer homework this year. An essay due, and new spells to practice chanting. The Dursley's hated magic so throughly that they had locked up our spell books and things in hopes that maybe the magic would just be squashed out of us. Harry and I had managed to get our hands on our books after picking the lock to the cabinet and stashing away our things in our room. We each sat on our beds with flash lights, underneath our sheets. It was a tad entertaining to sneak about and make Uncle Vernon think we was crazy. But yet, we also wanted to avoid trouble at any cost.

"Lumos Maxima." I whispered to myself underneath my blanket. 

"Lumos Maxima." Harry chanted on his own bed. The sound of a toilet flushing cause harry and I to both panic slightly.

I laid my book underneath my stomach and flipped onto it, curling my arms underneath my pillows. Our door opened and the light was switch on. I breathed out evenly with my eyes closed and waited for the light to disappear. When it did Harry and I both popped back up and gave each other a small grin. Flicking on our flashlights and diving back under our blankets.

"Lumos Maxima. Lumos Maxima. Lumos Maxima!" I chanted a bit harder with each whisper and I could hear Harry doing the same.

We ducked asleep again quickly. Uncle Vernon came into our room not even a second later, flicking on the light switch again, seeing us both faking a peaceful sleep and leaving. I sat back up in bed and carefully placed my books underneath the mattress. I left one out and grabbed my quill and ink to reply to Ron's letter I had received earlier in the week.

Dear, Ronald.
I hope your trip to Egypt is going well and that you and you're family are having fun. Who am I kidding, of course you're having fun. Can't wait to hear all about it. I'll bet you it's much more fun than we are having here. Finally picked the lock on the cabinet and retrieved our books so we could do our homework. And now at the end of the week, our Uncle Vernon's sister is coming to visit. Dreadful woman, honestly.
Oh, well. Enjoy the rest of you trip and we will see you soon!
With Love,
Olivia Potter

"Writing to Ronald?" Harry snickered. I had done as promised and told Harry I fancied Ron. Maybe down played it a bit, but he was still okay about it. As best as a brother can be anyways.

"Shove it, Harry." I stuck my tongue out at him and carefully let Arwen out of her cage. She gave me a playful nip and nuzzled her feathers against me. I quietly pressed open the window and gave her the letter. She flapped her wings and left the room quietly. I walked back and snuggled into my bed and played with my bracelet he gave me for Christmas. "I miss them, Harry." I sighed.

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