The Dementor's Kiss

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We'd just come out from the tunnel passageway and Lupin took over control of handling Pettigrew. Hermione and I ran over to Ron, that they were letting rest at the base of the tree. I began checking the wrapping I'd done on it before as temporary bandage till we could get Ron to the hospital wing. Harry stayed with us as Sirius gave us both longing looks and walked a bit down the hill from us.

"Okay." Harry stated and looked down at Sirius.

"You better go." Ron nudged him.

"No. No. Don't worry, okay? It's fine." Harry assured him.  "I'll stay."

"Harry, you and Olivia, go. I'll stay." Hermione gave us a gentle smile.

"You okay?" Harry asked Ron.

"I'm fine, really, go." Ron said. "You too, Liv."

"But." I argued and he shook his head. I sighed and nodded, getting up and following Harry down the hill.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sirius said softly as he gazed at Hogwarts in the distance. "I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again as a free man." He looked over at us both with a soft smile. "That was a very noble thing you both did back there. He doesn't deserve it."

"Well, I just didn't think our Dad would have wanted his two best friends to become killers." Harry pointed out.

"And besides, dead, the truth dies with him. Alive, and your free." I explained quietly.

"Anything but the Dementors!" Pettigrew's voice wavered as Lupin nearly dragged him out of the hole. Peter scurried towards Ron. "Ron, ha-haven't I been a good friend, a good pet? You won't let them give me to the Dementors, will you? I was your rat!" He turned to Hermione. "Oh, sweet girl, clever girl! Surely you won't let them!"

"Get away from them!" Lupin snarled and dragged him away.

"I-I don't know if you know, Harry, Olivia. But when you were both born, James and Lily made me both of your godfather. Lily tried to make Remus yours, Olivia, but well, as you can imagine, he refused. And I gladly accepted the responsibility."

"We know." Harry and I smiled softly.

"I didn't know about Lupin, though." I said with a small frown, though understanding being a werewolf and all.

"Ah... Well, I can understand if you choose stay with your Aunt and Uncle... But if you ever wanted a different home..." Sirius offered sadly.

"You mean, like come and live with you?" I asked surprised. 

"It-it's just a-a thought..." Sirius stammered nervously. "I can understand if you didn't want to."

"No, no, we do!" Harry and I chimed happily at the thought making Sirius smile.

"Olivia! Harry!" Hermione yelled suddenly.

We turned towards her and looked up in the sky where she was now pointing. Breaking the cloud bank, shining in the night behind them was the full moon. The three of us ran back up the small hill, Sirius getting to Remus while we went to Hermione and Ron.

"Remus, my old friend, have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius asked him desperately.

But no response came from him as he stood staring at the moon, panting, his mouth agape, his blackened and his teeth appeared to be growing sharper. His wand fell from his hand and dropped to the ground. He began groaning in pain, while Sirius desperately tried to hold him up and steady.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! This heart here! The flesh is only flesh!"

Pettigrew was no longer being watched over, or so he thought, bent over and grabbed it.

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