Talons and Tea Leaves

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The very next day at breakfast we were given our class schedules. Hermione and I already had our's of course and we couldn't be more excited. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, History of Magic and Herbology for our core classes. And since we were third years we were able to pick elective courses. Harry and Ron had chosen Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. Hermione and I, well, we picked them all. Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes.

I nearly fell asleep in Muggle Studies and it was only the first day. I mea, I live and grew up with muggles. What more is there to know? Maybe, I'll drop that class. Hermione wanted to give it a real chance, even though she too lives with muggles daily. Ancient Runes and Arithmancy were fascinating subjects. By the time we were ready to turn back time and get to Divination, I was exhausted. Hermione was upbeat as ever, and I couldn't help but find it helpful that she was. It's like it rubs off on you. We twisted our time turners and snuck our way into the class.

"Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the sight." Professor Trelawney knocked into a table making the students at their table snicker. "Hello, I am Professor Trelawney. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future!"

The students had already drank their tea as they'd been instructed to do so earlier. Hermione and I missed that part, so we were going to have to just look at Harry and Ron's cups of tea.

"This term, we shall be focusing on Tasseomancy, which is the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you. And we shall see, the truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First, you must look beyond!"

Our chance had been perfect. Professor Trelawney had been at the opposite side of the room and the boy's head were turned. We snuck in behind them and took our seats at the small table.

"What a load of rubbish." Hermione scoffed. Harry and Ron both jumped in their seats and turned towards us wide eyed.

"Where did you come from?" Ron breathed.

"Us? We've been here all this time." I stated giving Ron a curious look. He looked back at me even more confused. I looked over Harry's shoulder at Ron's cup and pulled out my book trying to help him decide Ron's future. While Hermione helped out Ron.

"You, boy... Is your Grandmother quite well?" Professor Trelawney called on Neville.

"Uh-uh, I think so?" He stuttered.

"I-I wouldn't be so sure of that." She stepped up to his and Dean's table. "Give me the cup. Ohh, hmm." She said in a sort of disappointed way. Neville quickly grabbed the cup and looked at it trying to figure out what she may have seen. "Broaden your minds!" She called out as she walked away. "Mmm... OOO! Your aura is pulsing dear, are you in the beyond? I think you are!" She said directed at Ron. He looked at her like she was crazy.

"S-Sure?" Ron nodded to agree with her.

"Look at the cup. Tell me what you see."

"Oh, yeah, um... Well, Harry's got a sort of wonky cross. That's trials and suffering." Ron read from his book. "And, uh, that there could be the sun.  And that's happiness. So, uh, you're gonna suffer, but your gonna be happy about it." Ron did his best to read the leaves. Harry was trying not to laugh. I bit my lip to hide my smile.

"Give me the cup." Professor Trelawney asked. Ron handed it to her and she looked at for no more than a second before tossing it back down on the table, making us all jump. "Ahh! Oh, oh, dear boy. My dear, you have... The Grim." She explained in a shaky voice. Her arms wrapped around herself. "Your aura my dear is pulsing, linking with his..." She relayed as she stared into my eyes. "You'll share the same fate!"

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