Flight of The Fat Lady

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    "Honestly. I'm fine." I groaned.

    "Liv, you woke up screaming this morning. You are not fine." Hermione huffed.

    "Again?" Harry asked concerned.

    "Liv, maybe you should go to Madam Pomfrey." Ron suggested. "I'm sure there's something she could whip up for you."

    "It was just one dream. The same one. A flash of green and a woman screaming. I can never see the rest of it." I mumbled to myself. "But really, I'm fine. I'm not going to Madam Pomfrey either. I'll figure it out myself." I huffed and walked away from the table.

    "Why is she being so stubborn lately?" Ron asked concerned as he watched her go.

    "I think she's stressed." Hermione said worriedly.

    "I tried to go see her the other day. See, if I could help in anyway, whether it was to talk. Homework. But she actually yelled at me. Olivia never yells at me." Harry sighed. "Have you seen her piles of homework? They're gigantic. I honestly think she's pushing herself to hard. Plus, worrying about being attacked by Sirius Black. Dementor's crawling the grounds. I wish there was a way to help her get over her fear..."

    "Harry! That's brilliant. Our Hogsmeade trip is coming up. I know your going to see if Professor McGonagall will sign them, and as I've said. I don't believe she will." Hermione scolded him for a quick moment. "If she doesn't, take her to see Professor Lupin. I'd bet you anything he'd be willing to help her." She smiled brightly.

    "That's brilliant, Hermione." Ron agreed.

    "Thanks for the confidence." Harry rolled his eyes. "But yes, I'll take her to see, Professor Lupin."

The first Hogsmeade trip was today. It was finally Halloween and everyone was rearing with excitement, ready to go. I, however, didn't particularly want to leave the castle. Harry had tried to assure me that we'd be fine. That he wanted to ask McGonagall to sign our forms. I tried to assure him that his plan wasn't going to work. But he dragged me along anyways after making my mouth water with the thought of getting to Honeydukes for chocolate. Everyone was gathered in the Courtyard near the bell tower.

    "Now, remember, these visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege." McGonagall stood above the group of students, while Filch was collecting permission forms. She was informing them all of the rules. "Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in anyway, that privilege shall not be extended again." Harry and I walked up to her with the form in hand. "No permission form signed, no visiting the village. That's the rule, Potter."

    "All those with permission, follow me. Those without..." Filch glared at Harry and I. "Stay put."

McGonagall started to walk with the students but Harry jumped in front of her.

    "But Professor, I thought if you signed it then we could go."

    "I can't. Only a parent or guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate." She replied to him quickly. Harry looked down to the ground defeated and I rubbed his arm. "I'm sorry, Potter's. That's my final word." She said softly and turned to leave with everyone else.

    "Forget about it guys." Harry said. I looked up to see Hermione and Ron were waiting for us with solemn looks. "We'll see you later."

    "I'm sorry she said no, Harry." I said sympathetically.

    "It's all right." Harry said after a deep breath. "Come on. We have somewhere to be."

    "What where?" I asked as I followed him.

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