A New Prophecy

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"Broaden your minds!" Professor Trelawney exclaimed. "You must look beyond. The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the inner eye. Only then can you see... Try again."

Harry and Ron were sitting at the table for the four of us staring at a crystal ball, that was swirling with a silvery smoke on the inside. Harry was staring boredly at the ball, while Ron was snoozing away. It was just now after the Easter holiday and Professor Trelawney walked around to every table and stopped at ours just as Hermione and I appeared.

"Now, what do we have here, hmm?" Professor Trelawney asked. Ron snorted as he jerked awake and Harry jolted upward.

"Oh, do you mind me trying?" Hermione asked and I gave her a funky look. She hated Divination and that was saying something for her.

"Ah!" Trelawney gave her a bright smile, glad she was finally willing to try and not challenge her every step of the way.

"The Grim. Possibly." Hermione stated.

She's never going to let that go... I sighed to myself. Professor Trelawney leaned in close to her and took her hand.

"My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class. I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. No, you see, there?" She pointed to a line on her hand. "Ah, you may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is a shriveled as an old maid's. Your soul, as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave, mm-hmm."

Professor Trelawney patted Hermione's hand as we sat in shock of her words. Tears filled her eyes, but I could see they were of anger. Hermione smacked the crystal ball on our desk and it rolled out the classroom door. She quickly packed her things and left. I think that had finally given her the push she needed to drop the class. Since I asked her constantly why she took it if she hated and didn't believe in it so much. Though, I found it to be a bit of utter nonsense as well, I still enjoyed it.

"Have I said something?" Trelawney asked unsure about Hermione's leaving.

We all stayed quiet and after class we walked down the stairs of the North Tower.

"She's gone mental, Hermione has. I mean, not that she wasn't always mental, but now it's out in the open for everyone to see." Ron stated and I smacked his arm with my book. "Ow!"

"Hey! If a teacher said something as terrible as that to you, you'd of been just as upset." I retorted. "I wouldn't be surprised if she finally decided to drop the class." I explained.

"How can she drop it? We have to take two electives, it's mandatory." Ron pointed out and I flushed with embarrassment.

"Hang on." Harry interrupted my stammering. He bent down on the stairs and picked up the ball that came from the class room. "We better take this back."

"I'm not going back." Ron scoffed and then turned to me. "So, you were about too..."

"I'll go with you, Harry! Come on, let's go." I grabbed his sleeve and pulled.

Ron grumbled and continued down the stairs as we went up.

"You're being very weird and secretive, Liv." Harry stated with narrowed eyes. We both walked up the giant tower stairs together.

"I am not." I stated defensively.

Harry poked and pried the entire way up the stairs for the first time in a while. They'd both given up wondering how we'd were doing what we'd been doing, by getting to our classes. I ignored him and we eventually walked into the quiet and creepy Divination classroom. Harry and I brought the crystal ball back to our table and he placed it down. Just as we were about to turn and leave, I grabbed Harry's sleeve. I stared at the ball and noticed something beginning to appear into it.

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