The End of The Year.

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Buckbeak reared up and ran, lifting from the ground into the night sky, with Sirius on his back. The three of us smiled happily at them and then the bell behind us began to chime.

"We have to go!" Hermione gasped realizing it was the bell for midnight.

The three of us ran inside the castle and dashed our way towards the hospital wing. Just barely before the last chime we came running through the hall, halting our steps quickly. Dumbledore was just exiting the hospital wing, he turned and gave us a stern and pointed look.

"Well?" He asked.

"He's free." Harry breathed heavily. "We did it."

"Did what? Goodnight." Dumbledore smiled and waved as he headed down the stairs humming happily.

Hermione and I pressed the doors open gently and just as the other three disappeared after using the time turner, we entered through the doorway. Ron, who was laying in the bed we left him in at the beginning of our journey looked at us all extremely confused.

"How did you get there? You were... I was just talking to you there." Ron whimpered. "And now you're there."

"What's he talking about, Harry, Hermione?" I asked with a grin.

"I don't know." Hermione smiled.

"Not a clue." Harry shook his head and grinned at our friend. "Honestly, Ron. How could somebody be in two places at once?" Harry joked.

Hermione and I began to giggle unable to keep them inside at Harry's horrible joke attempt. The next day, we were all allowed out of the hospital wing around noon. Hermione and Harry walked in front while I lagged behind with Ron.

"I can't believe you never told me before about the Time Turner." Ron said sourly.

"I'm sorry, we promised not too as part of the rules for using them. But since you saw us use it last night, of course we were going to tell you about it now." I said guiltily. "I know that doesn't make it better, and i'm sorry."

"Eh, it's fine." Ron breathed and I looked at his face surprised. "Explains a bloody hell of a lot, though. You nearly had me thinking I was going crazy all year." He joked and nudged my side.

"Sorry about that." I giggled. I thought about what I saw while watching our previous selves and I needed to ask him about it. Harry and Hermione stopped and talked with Hagrid. So it was the perfect time. "Hey, Ron?" I called out gently and stopped walking.

"Yeah?" Ron stopped and asked tilting his head.

"When... When we went back in time. The three of us saw the moment of you and I behind the pumpkins..." I cleared my throat nervously and so did Ron. His cheeks began to pink up. "I might be totally wrong here, and if I am we can totally pretended I never said a thing." I assured him quickly and he nodded. "But I can't help but notice the way we are around each other... I-I mean, we hold hands sometimes, and the way we act and look at each other. I was just hoping maybe, y-you knew what it meant?" I stuttered nervously. I wanted so badly to come out and tell him that I liked him hoping that much hunch about his feelings for me wasn't wrong. But it just wouldn't come out.

"Right, uh, I-I." Ron cleared his throat and stood taller with his crutches. He gazed down at me and his eyes sparkled. "Liv, I-I think I know what you're saying. And, um, I want you to know t-that I l-like..."

"Olivia!" Harry came running over interrupting Ron. The both of us huffed in annoyance and glared at him. "We have to go see Lupin!"

"Now? Can't it wait another minute?" I practically begged and he shook his head and grabbed my hand. I looked back at Ron apologetically as Harry pulled me through the halls.

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