The Truth Is Revealed

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I stumbled to my feet and backed away from the tree just out of reach right beside Harry and Hermione. The Whomping Willow's branches twisted and turned as the tree creaked. Ron's screams filled the air as they echoed out of the whole.

    "Great, what do we do now?" Hermione huffed.

"Come on." Harry grabbed the both of our hands and just booked it forward towards the tree.

The Whomping Willow slapped down a large tree vine, forcing Harry and I to separate. I jumped to the side, wobbled on my feet and continued to run.  Two more vines slapped down between Harry and Hermione making them separate as well.

"Duck!" I shouted seeing a vine coming straight for Hermione and Harry.

Hermione listened, but Harry wasn't quick enough. The vine slapped Harry's chest and sent him hurting through the air right for me. Before I could move he crashed into me and we tumbled to the ground. Harry's glasses fell off his face and he began to look for them. Hermione stood on her feet and was jumping over the vines that were swinging towards her. I stood to my feet and dodged my way over towards her and the hole.

"Grab on!" Hermione shouted to me.

The branch swung down and we both grabbed onto it. It swung around the trees and I shielded my face with my arm. Branches hit my sides, my back, and Hermione and I both grunted and screamed as it whipped us around like a rag doll. The giant tree used one of it's more club like branches and bent down to the ground nearly crushing Harry. He squinted his eyes to see as he stood up again.

"Harry!" Hermione and I screamed as the branch swung at him. He ducked quickly and avoided being hit.

"Grab him next time!" I shouted my plan and she nodded.

Harry was on the ground, feeling around for his glasses. He appeared to have found them, placed them on his face and stood up. The branch we were on swung down again to try and hit him. Harry turned just as Hermione and I approached, grabbing the collar of his shirt and lifting him up into the air with us on the branch. It swung us around violently and as it came back down Hermione and I grunted swinging him towards the hole. Harry screamed and disappeared into the hole, and Hermione and I soon followed tumbling in after him.

"Ahh!" We shouted. I landed on Harry and then Hermione landed on top of me. "Oof!" We groaned.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry." Hermione apologized.

"Sorry, Harry." I said climbing off him.

"Don't worry." Harry grunted.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asked.

"I have a hunch." Harry and I stated together.

"I just hope we're wrong." Harry sighed. "Come on."

I walked in front of them and up the stairs, hurrying to try and find Ron. Indeed, the passage we'd seen on the Marauder's map led from the Whomping Willow all the way to the Shrieking Shack. The building was creaking as we poked our heads up through the trap door. I gasped seeing all the blood on the floor leading up the stairs. I climbed out and helped up the other two.

"We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione whispered.

"Yes." I nodded. "Come on."

I walked up the stairs and started to be able to hear Ron's whimpering and groaning again. As I hit the top of the stairs, just around the corner was an open door and inside was Ron sitting on a dirty old couch.

"Ron!" I gasped and ran to him. I flung my arms around his neck and he held me tightly against him.

"Ron, we're so glad you're okay." Hermione breathed.

The Potter Twins: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now