The Leaky Cauldron

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It was rather comforting to be able to just sit in our rooms, listen to the hustle and bustle of the muggle streets on our side of the Inn. The subway would speed by and make the rooms shake just a bit. We had all the freedom in the world to wake up when we wanted, eat when we wanted, and go where we wanted, inside Diagon Alley of course. But why would we want to go into the muggle town when the greatest part of the Wizarding world was at our finger tips?

It was also rather strange to not have to share a room all summer with Harry. Although, we did find ourselves constantly in one or the other's room. Harry and I had spent the past two and a half weeks roaming Diagon Alley, gathering our school things, and trying not to spend all the money that was in our shared vault. Since we'd both grown, we bought new robes and clothes, our school books, refilled our potions stores, and most importantly bought our new books for this year.

I had snuck a few extra books to buy when Harry wasn't looking because I hadn't told him yet about all the extra classes Hermione and I were planning on taking. Since we'd missed so much of the school year, last year. We had approached Professor McGonagall to see what we could do to catch up. She told us she'd see what she could do. And when I got my Hogwarts letter, she informed me that she had something for the both of us at the start of term. My schedule seemed to over lap, but I'm sure she had a plan.

We had written The Weasley's letting them know we were here and they were set to come pick us up for the Train on September 1st. I couldn't wait to see the Weasley family again, most particularly Ron. My heart always seemed to flutter at the thought of him. More thoughts about Ron had crossed my mind, but they weren't exactly great ones. I was older now, so a silly crush seemed so simple back then. But, now? I worried about liking him. The impact it could have on our friendship, whether or not he liked me back. So many terrible things to psych myself out. 

I was sitting on my bed with my nose in my ancient runes book, an additional class I was going to be taking, clearly not reading as I had a blank look on my face. Stirring in my own thoughts, when Harry knocked on my door. I sat up quickly and stuck the book under my blanket.

"Come in." I called out.

"Hey, Liv." Harry greeted me. "Up to anything interesting?" He asked and I shook my head. I gestured to the pile of books that laid out across my bed.

"No, just was about too start checking out my school books, though. How about you?"

"Actually, that's why I was coming in to see you. Have you taken a look at our Care of Magical Creatures book yet?" Harry eye'd me curiously and I shook my head again and climbed up off my bed.

"I checked it out a bit, but never opened it. A tad bit scary, that book."

I led Harry to my table in my room where the book sat alone. It was snarling softly and wiggling about the table as we approached. The book was called: The Monster Book of Monsters. It was furry all over, a set of rather sharp fangs in the center of the pages like a mouth. And on the top underneath the strap was spider eyes. It unnerved me a bit to look at it. I had certainly been interested in Creatures since we started school, so I had wanted to dive into the book. But, I also didn't want my hand chomped off.

Harry carefully picked up my book and looked it over. Before I could stop him, he unwrapped the strap from off the book. It's many eyes blinked and we watched it curiously. The book gave a soft sort of gurgle as Harry turned it in his hands. It suddenly started snarling viciously and snapping at Harry. He held it away from his face and lost his grip. The book fell to the floor and I squeaked.

"To the bed!" I shouted.

The book snapped at our feet and Harry and I ran to my bed and jumped up on top of it. It left a trail of torn up paper everywhere it went. While we stood on top of my bed, the books seemed to try to jump, but with no legs, it couldn't. So, instead it shimmed it's way underneath and out of sight.

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