A Frightening Train Ride

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We left the Leaky Cauldron promptly with The Weasley family and Hermione, the very next day. I couldn't wait to get to school. To focus on that rather then the on goings around me. Which never seemed to go away. We had all filed onto the Hogwarts Express and were sticking our heads and arm's out the windows, waving goodbye to The Weasley's. The train whistle blew and started to chug forward. Suddenly we could see Molly Weasley running through the crowd with something in her hands. That something, was Scabbers. Harry, Hermione and I moved out of Ron's way so he could nearly lean out the window to get him.

"Ron! Ron! Oh, for goodness sakes!" Molly finally reached him and she handed the rat to him. "Don't lose him!" She shrieked as we pulled away.

We began looking around the compartments to find someplace to sit. Telling Hermione and Ron about how we really ended up at the Leaky Cauldron.

"We didn't mean to blow her up." Harry sighed. "We just... I lost control."

"Me too. And to be fair, she was saying rather nasty things about our parents." I pointed out.

"Brilliant." Ron grinned at our story, along with letting loose a small chuckle. "Not the speaking bad about your dead parents, of course. But the blowing her up and stuff."

"Honestly, Ron. It's not funny." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Olivia and Harry and lucky they didn't get expelled."

"I think we were lucky not to be arrested, actually." Harry pointed out.

"I still think it was brilliant." Ron reiterated.

"Come on. In here. Everywhere else is full." I gestured to a near empty compartment.

I clicked open the door and we all shuffled inside. Only one person was in here and they appeared to be sleeping. On top of the fact that it also seemed to be an adult. I happened a glance at the top shelf and they had a set of luggage. On the card it read: Professor R.J Lupin. Hermione, crookshanks, Ron and Scabbers sat on one side, while Harry and I squeezed ourselves next to the sleeping man.

"Who do you think that is?" Ron wondered.

"Professor R. J. Lupin." I told him as I took my seat across from Hermione, next to the door.

"You always know everything. How is it she knows everything?" Ron asked Harry almost completely ignoring me.

"It's on his suitcase, Ronald." I explained exasperated.

"Oh." Ron gave me a sheepish grin and I rolled my eyes.

Harry took a quick seat next to me, in between myself and the new Professor. He glanced over him quickly and looked at me.

"Do you suppose he's asleep?" Harry whispered.

"He seems to be... Why?" I whispered back to him curiously.

"We need to tell Ron and Hermione." Harry whispered even lower and I agreed.

Harry got up and closed the compartment door. The both of us explained everything new we'd learned so far about Sirius Black and how we were apparently in danger once again. Our conversation with Cornelius and how sketchy he seemed about it. Rain began to pour down as the train chugged along towards Hogwarts. It was some nasty weather outside.

"So, let me get this straight." Ron sat up in his seat looking at Harry and I. "Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after the both of you?"

"Yeah." Harry and I replied simply.

"But, they'll catch Black, won't they?" Hermione questioned. She glanced around at us. "I mean, everyone's looking for him.

"Sure. Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and... he's a murderous, raving lunatic." Ron explained as he looked at the both of us concerned. His eyes lingered on me for a moment but he quickly looked away.

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