More Than One Life Can Be Spared

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Hermione, Harry and I had made ourselves comfortable on the hard forest ground. Waiting for the other us's come back up through the passageway. The evening peace was great. Buckbeak was behind us in the forest, enjoying himself the last few ferrets. Nearly an hour had passed and night began to fall. Bat's flew all around us and I had my head was laying on Harry's shoulder tiredly. We all ducked avoiding the flying creatures, while Buckbeak chomped at them as they flew over him. Enjoying another snack.

"Well, at least someone's enjoying themselves." Hermione chuckled.

"Yeah." Harry and I agreed.

"Harry?" I questioned after a few moments.


"Down by the lake, you mentioned seeing Dad... What did you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Well, before, down by the lake when we were with Sirius. I did see someone behind that Stag. That someone made the Dementors go away." Harry explained lightly.

"With a Patronus." Hermione spoke up, making us look to her. "I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him, only a really powerful couple of wizards could have conjured them."

"It was our Dad." Harry answered her brightly. The smile plastered on his face was from ear to ear.

"I couldn't see the people behind them, but I did see the Stag and the other was a bird I couldn't quite make out." I relayed to them both. "It would make sense, somehow, if the Stag was our father. Lupin said he used to call you his little stag and if you haven't noticed, they're the creators of the Marauder's map. That's why Lupin knew how to use it. He's Moony." I explained my thoughts and he nodded.

"But, Olivia, Harry your Dad, he's..." Hermione struggled for a moment.

"Dead." Harry snapped at her. "We know. I'm just telling you what I saw."

"I wonder who the other one could have been..." I asked more myself out loud then anybody else.

    "Here we come." Hermione pointed out quickly as we all began to emerge again from the passageway.

We stood up and watched the scene before us unfold once again. Harry and Olivia trailed down towards Sirius. I couldn't stop the smile that crawled upon my face at the thought of the conversation we'd had.

    "Hermione, you see Sirius talking to us there?" Harry asked.

    "Mhm." She nodded.

    "Well, he was asking us to come and live with him." I said with a smile.

    "That's wonderful you guys." Hermione said cheerfully.

    "When we free him, Liv and I will never have to go back to the Dursley's." Harry explained euphorically.

    "It'll be just the three of us. Living as a proper family as we should have years ago." I sighed at the blissful thought.

    "We could take him to live in the country." Harry explained cheerfully. "Some place you can see the sky. Don't you think he'd like that after all these years in Azkaban?" He asked and I nodded in agreement.

    "Harry! Olivia!" Hermione's voice shouted in the distance.

The chaotic events of the night began to unfold. Professor Lupin transformed into a werewolf, by the light of the moon. He let out a loud howl and we knew we needed to move fast in order to save Sirius.

"Run! Run!" Sirius shouted desperately at the others and they didn't move.

I grabbed Harry's hand and tugged him back into the woods as the other Hermione screamed.

The Potter Twins: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now