A New Passage to Hogsmeade

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Harry had decided not to tell our friends about seeing the Grim in the sky. He only told me, because Ron would certainly panic, and Hermione would just scoff. The both of us were a bit down in the dumps about Christmas rolling around. Neither of us could go to Hogsmeade and go shopping for ourselves, just once. The entire tower had been raving about being able to go Christmas shopping there. We stood in the clock tower and watched all our friends bundled up, head for Hogsmeade.

"I really just want to visit the candy shop for once, just once. Ronald raved all day about the candy there during our detention a few weeks ago. And again last night." I huffed annoyed. "And not to mention I'm running out of Christmas idea without actually being able to see anything!"

"I hear you, Liv. But what are we supposed to do? Sneak there?" Harry shot back sarcastically.

The both of us looked at each other wide eyed realizing maybe his idea wasn't to far fetched after all. I mean, we were given the greatest gift when it comes to not being caught. We ran to the common room and bundled up while getting out our Dad's old cloak again. We snuck down to the courtyard and put the cloak on over the both of us. Certainly we wouldn't be able to do this much longer. We were getting far to big, for it to be more than one person use.

The snow crunched under our boots and I noticed we were leaving a trail behind us. I gulped slightly not wanting to get caught as we continued on. The Weasley Twins were standing just before the last exit to the trail for Hogsmeade. Happily enjoying the freshly fallen snow, building a snowman. Harry and I swerved to the side to try and stay as far from them as possible. We were so close. The Twins gave a small glance in our direction, but we kept moving. That is, until they came round there snowman pretending like they didn't know it was us. The jumped at us both looping their arms around us.

"Guys! Let go!" I huffed while fighting Fred's hand on my arm.

"Oh, clever, Harry and Olivia." George chuckled.

"But not clever enough." Fred grinned.

"Besides! We've got a better way." George grinned.

"Guys, really! We're just trying to get to Hogsmeade." Harry complained as the boys dragged us back towards the castle.

"We know." They both said with a laugh.

"Don't worry."

"We'll get you both there. By showing you a quicker way." Fred explained.

"If you pipe down."

They pushed us both onto a set of stairs and ripped the invisibility cloak from off of us.

"Hey!" Harry and I shouted.

"What are you doing?!" I whispered harshly.

"Shhh!" Fred and George hissed. They grinned and George pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket and shoved it into our hands.

"What's this rubbish?" Harry scoffed.

"What's this rubbish, he says." Fred chuckled. "That there is the secret to our success."

"It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me." George informed us.

"But, we decided last night that your needs are greater than ours." Fred explained.

"But we know all the passages by heart, anyway." Geroge shrugged.

"George, if you will." Fred gestured to the paper I was now inspecting in my hands.

There was nothing on it. George placed his wand on the paper.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

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