The Knight Bus

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Harry and I angrily walked down Privet Drive, leaving behind our 'home'. We could still hear Marge's screams as she hovered about in the air. We didn't really know where we were going yet, but we knew we needed to desperately cool off. We walked with our trunks bumping along behind us until we reached the park that was several streets away.

"Oh, Harry. What are we going to do?" I worried. I stopped behind him and planted myself on the sidewalk with my trunk set behind me. The ground was cold and wet from the amount of rain we'd received throughout the day, but I was much to upset to care.

"I'm not really sure, Liv." Harry sighed and took a seat beside me. "We can't go to the Weasley's, they're still in Egypt. Hermione and her family were camping last I heard. But, don't worry, we'll figure it out." Harry tried to assure me seeing me in such a distressed state.

"Actually, I more meant about the fact that we are likely expelled from school. We are going into our third year, and we haven't lost control in years. But, that pudgy, pig faced woman, she makes me so mad!I can't believe the things she said." I yelled exasperatedly. "I'm actually surprised we haven't been swooped down upon yet by the Ministry."

"I'm a bit surprised we haven't heard the roar of police vehicles to be arrested." Harry chuckled slightly. I looked over at him and I couldn't help the smile that came over my face. I let out a small snicker, which turned into dull laughter, to full blown belly laughing. Harry and I laughed for a good minute or two until we finally calmed down. "In all seriousness, I wonder how much trouble we are in."

"I don't know." I shook my head. A sudden rustling sound caught Harry and I's attention. "Harry..." I whispered.

The streetlight above us began to flicker in and out. Before finally going dark. Harry and I weren't normally afraid of much, but being two young wizards in a muggle suburb, alone, in the very dark of night, wasn't exactly something I'd say made my mind not panic. We both turned our heads as the playground equipment began to squeak loudly. There was no wind in the brisk night air, and the turntable turned on it's own. The seesaw tilted and the end that was in the air, fell to the ground as if kids were riding it. But there was no one there. The swings moved back and forth on there own.

Harry grabbed my hand and tugged. More rustling occurred and we both turned our heads to the bushes across the street from us. A low growling sound became louder, an a black shaggy dog appeared from the bushes. Harry and I stayed very still as the dog stared at us both almost curiously. It's eyes gleamed in the dark of night. None of us moved, Harry and I had our hands, now on our wands that were inside our jackets. The dog barked causing us both to flick them out of our pockets.

A sudden burst of wind or something seemingly pushed Harry and I both to the ground. We both landed with a soft thud, but what really captured our attention was the low sounding horn that seemed to appear from nowhere. Light's beamed on us brightly and a large, purple, bus, that was three stories high came cruising into view from thin air. It slammed on it's brakes and stopped just in front of us. In bright golden letter's on the front it said: Knight Bus.

As it stopped a tall, creepy looking man, with large protruding ears, a rather pimply face walked off the side. He stood there with his eyes focused on the reading cards he had in his hands.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for this evening." He tucked the cards in his vest pocket and looked around, before finally looking down and seeing Harry and I. "What choo' doin' down there?"

"We fell over." Harry answered him.

"What choo' fell over for?" Stan asked with a raised brow.

"Well, we didn't do it on purpose." I replied in a annoyed tone.

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