The Patronus Charm and Peter Pettigrew

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Christmas was over, stress levels were high as the new school term approached. Harry was stressed over having to do twice as many Quidditch practices, homework, think about Sirius Black, and our after school lessons with Lupin. I was stressed for nearly the same reasons. Except Quidditch of course. I had dropped muggle studies, because honestly, I lived and grew up with them. I wasn't about to learn what I already knew. It wasn't helpful. I was, however, very excited to start our lessons with Professor Lupin. I'd read all about the charm he was going to be teaching us.

    "Olivia, Harry! There you are. You came." Lupin greeted us in his classroom. He seemed very tired still even after his recuperation time. "Now, are you two sure about this? You know, this is very advanced magic, well beyond the Ordinary Wizarding Level."

    "I'm sure." Harry and I chimed together.

    "Well, everything's prepared. Now, the spell I'm going to try to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Did you ever hear of it?" Lupin asked.

Harry shook his head no.

    "Yep." I piped up happily and Lupin chuckled.

    "I'm not surprised. I suppose you studied for this, Olivia?" Lupin asked with a raised brow.

    "Yes, sir." I nodded.

    "Tell me what you've learned."

    "Well, the Patronus Charm is a kind of positive force of light, and for the witch or wizard that can conjure one it acts as a shield. There are two kinds of Patronus's. A Corporeal, and Incorporeal. The Incorporeal Patronus is the most common one used amongst wizards because it's the easiest of the two two cast. It's basically a simple, but powerful beam of light that acts as a shield. A Corporeal Patronus is the hardest to cast because it takes immense concentration and strength. It takes on the form of an animal to protect you from Dementors." I explained mainly to Harry as we stood at the center of the room.

    "Very, very good, little one. A Patronus is used to protect yourself from Dementors, forcing them to feed on it rather than yourself. But, in order for them to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory. Think you can do this?"

    "I think so." I nodded.

    "Sure." Harry nodded.

    "Very well. Close your eyes." Professor Lupin stated. He raised his hand and ushered us to gently close our eyes. I closed them and listened to the sound of his voice. "Concentrate. Explore your past. Do you have a memory?"

I thought about every happy moment in my life. Harry and I as kids, meeting our friends for the first time. Coming to Hogwarts, spending time with Ron...

    "Allow it to fill you up. Lose yourself within it. The speak the incantation. 'Expecto Patronum.'"

    "Expecto Patronum." Harry and I said softly with our eyes still closed.

    "Very good. Shall we?" Professor Lupin asked. He moved across the room and gestured to a large chest that had been sitting on the floor near us. We both nodded. "Wand at the ready."

I took a deep breath and blinked slowly, raising my wand into the air. The Professor waved his hand in front of the chest, allowing the locks to become undone. He lifted the lid and out came soaring, screeching, was a dementor. It flew up into the air, and started making the all to familiar sucking sound. I held my memory in my brain and moved my mouth to speak.

    "Expecto Patronum!" I casted and nothing happened.

    "Expecto Patronum!" Harry stated. And nothing happened once again.

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