Chapter 21

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RANDY'S POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I don't regret fighting that girl. She deserved it. How could she say that about my best friend and for Reid to say those things to Jaslyn. I would have killed him if they didn't tell me to stop. That wig was a good investment. I should actually use that more often.

I walk out the room to check on Eloise, I understand she really wanted to use her plan but no one listened so I decided to check on her. She's like a little sister to me and as her weird older brother I have to make sure she's ok. 

I open the door to see her blackout on the floor.

My eyes widen, "fuck not again". I mumble to myself. I tilt my head, "she really can't last a day without fainting", I say shaking me head.

Wait what am I doing Eloise is knocked out on the floor and I'm hear making jokes. Jesus Christ I do have a problem. 

I look closely to see she has bruises. Not small ones though she has a cut on her forehead I never noticed it before. I sprint off to find Chase or someone to help but I couldn't find anyone. 

"Where the fuck did everyone go?" I ask myself. I run a hand through my hair. "Shit, shit what am I suppose to do?" I whisper.

I sprint back to Eloise and did the only thing I can do. I lifted her up and placed her on her bed. 

Shit she is really bruised.

I left the room and grabbed some alcohol and some tissue to help the bruise from getting infected. Oh lord I have never done this before, I hope nothing happens I'll pray if I have to.

My girlfriend is better then this than I am. 

Why did she have to go at a time like this. 

I grabbed the tissue and put some alcohol on it. I dabbed it softly on her forehead like I seen Jaslyn do earlier. I clean the cut on her lip and on her arms. 

My eyes widen. "I did it!" I fucking did it!" I shout. 

Ok this is weird I am in a room with a knocked out person and talking to myself. I have problems I really do.

I heard someone groan and I quickly turn our throwing my hands in fighting position. Please don't fight me I'm already hurt enough, Eloise says with a groan and I let at a sigh. 

"Thank the lord your ok", I say hugging her. 

"Where is everyone?" She asks me confused. 

"I don't know I came in to see how you were and I seen you on the floor blackout", I say. "And when I tried to find help no one was there". I tell her.

"To think of it no one is here", She says standing up from the bed. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask. 

"No one is here there has been no noise and we haven't seen anyone walk by and it has been 3 days", she says slowly. 

"Reid must have done something", I say. 

"Maybe but we don't know". It's weird that no one is here". She says. 

I nod, "I feel like this is a trap", I say. 

"We have to find the others we can't be split up", She says walking to the door. 

"I agree", I say. We both walk to the door and slowly open it. We walk out going into different rooms to see if anyone is there but no one. 

Not even a squeak. 

We turn to hear noise in Chase's room. It's muffled noises.

"Eloise you stand over there", I say pointing a few feet away from me. 

She nods, "ok", She whispers. I knock on the door, and the door opens and I see Jaslyn standing beside it with an eyebrow raise.

"Oh thank the fucking lord", I say hugging her to death. 

"R-Randy? "What happened?" She asks confused. 

"We thought Reid took you", I said truthfully. 

"We told you we were going to Chase's room", she says with a chuckle. 

"I didn't hear you say that"..... I say.

" It's ok but what happened why is there a scar on her eyebrow", she says pointing at Eloise's eyebrow.

"I don't know I just seen her on the floor blacked out and when I tried to find you guys no one was there so I healed her myself", I say proudly. 

"You healed her?" She asks confused. 

"Yeah I did, I did what you did earlier". I say with a grin. 

She smiles, "you finally learned something new", she says. 

"I was panicking half the time since I didn't know what to". I said with a shrug. 

She laughs, "Come in Cowboy and come in sugar booger he's in the end of the room". She says with a smile and Eloise smiles back. I entered the room and so did Eloise. Everyone stares at Eloise for a while. 

"What's that scar on your forehead?" Chase says angerly standing up from the bed he was sitting on. 

"Is my scar that noticeable?" She mumbles. 

Chase nods, "It's the first thing everybody noticed sugar", Jaslyn says.

"What happened?" Jade says stepping to Eloise softly touching her bruise. 

"I had a fight with my mom again". She mumble. 

"We told you not to fight Eloise!" Chase yells. Eloise finches. 

"S-sorry Mi amore but you have to understand we said no for a reason", Chase says softly trying not to scare her. 

"I didn't fight her, she just went into my brain and she just started yelling and torturing me", She mumbles.

"Eloise I am so sorry, we should have been with you". Jade says with tears in her eyes. 

"Jade please don't cry", Eloise says wiping her tear. 

"I'm fine I just got hurt a little that's all I promise", Eloise says trying to make Jade feel better. Jade wipes her tears and try's to stop crying. 

"Thank you Randy", Chase says. "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't know what would happen". He says. 

"Yeah thank you so much for helping her", Jaslyn says giving me a kiss. 

"Thank you for helping my sister", Jade says hugging Eloise.

"And thank you for saving someone that's important to my girl", Zahir says with a smile. 

"No problem", I say. "Although I was panicking the entire time", I say rubbing the back of my neck. They all begin laugh. 

"Why were you panicking?" Eloise asks me confused with a smile. 

"Um I don't know Eloise maybe because you looked like you were dead on the floor!" I say pointing to the floor. They all continue laugh. 

I laugh to. "I'm gonna say this right now, I better get some free food for helping you Eloise". I say with a huge grin. 

"Not a chance", Eloise says laughing. 

I laugh with her. 

At least I saved someone today.

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