Chapter 42

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ELOISE'S POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am not really to die yet. 

He's forcing me to do something I don't want yet. I want to wait until the cure comes out. I have to know if it works. 

"Eloise are you ok? Your shaking a lot". Jade says hugging me. 

I shake my head, "Why does he have to force me". I mumble. 

"What are you talking about"? Jaslyn ask confused.

"He doesn't want to wait for the cure, he just wants to kiss me and hold me for one second. He just wants to die because he can't handle it anymore." I explain.

"He said he's waited to long and he just wants to do it. I tried to say I don't want to because of you guys but he didn't listen. He still took steps towards me. Until I was trapped against the wall". I say.

"If I didn't call you guys in then I might have been dead. He would have risk our lives because he wanted to. Not because I did". I explain.

"Why is he doing that? You told him you weren't ready and he was still pushing you". Jade mumbles looking at the ground. 

"He should have respected your decision". Jaslyn says shaking her head.

"I can't believe Chase did that". Jade says letting me go. 

I walk towards my bed laying on it. "I just wished he understood why I didn't want to do it now". I say with tears in my eye.

"Eloise I understand you just woke up and you didn't even last 30 minutes awake". And he just barges in hoping you would end your life just for him". And right at that very moment". Jade says with a scoff.

"The problem is I would end my life for him. He's my everything and I can't live without him". I say.

"I get it, you just don't want to live without him". You want to be able to do what you want without making him mad", Jade tries to explain. I nod. 

"Why don't you talk it out with him"? Jaslyn asks confused. 

"It's because I'm too scared. I understand his struggle". He said he couldn't take it anymore". And he was going to lose control and do it". I also wanted to but I couldn't leave everyone I love behind". I say hugging my pillow. 

"If I didn't find out I had a brother who loved me I would have done it". If I didn't find out I had two amazing best friends who were like sisters to me, I would have done it". I say.

"If I didn't have 2 new brothers aka bestfriends who would do anything for me, I would have done it". 

But I just can't now. 

"I have this amazing family. "And I don't want to lose it". I waited all this time to find a new family and now that I have it's harder for me to let go". I explain.

"Look Eloise, whatever you decide to do we will be there for you". No matter what". Jade says joining me on the bed.

She holds out her hand and I take it. She holds out her hands to Jaslyn and she takes it. "We our sisters", Jade says intertwining our hands. 

"And no matter what happens we'll be there for each other even if it's not for the best". Jade says.

We nod with a smile. 

"Thank you". I say with a small smile. 

"That's what sisters are for", Jade says hugging me and Jaslyn.

"Eloise talk to him when your ready". I understand how scared you were. "I understand how many thoughts ran into that small brain of yours in two seconds". But all I am saying is do it when your ready". Jaslyn says squezzing my hand gently. 

I nod slowly. "I'll do it when I'm ready", I whisper taking a deep breath. 

"Ok I'm ready I say standing up". I say standing up from my bed. 

"Bitch you just finished saying you weren't ready", Jaslyn says confused. 

"I said that but that doesn't mean it was true." I just needed a boost and you gave me one". Now I am able to talk to him without being scared". I say with a grin. 

"You are one confusing person Eloise", Jade says shaking her head. 

I let out a chuckle. "This is what you signed up for", I say wiggling my eyebrows. 

"Uh no I signed up for a smart and wise bestfriend", Jaslyn says offended. "But I got Ms. Crackhead", Jaslyn says laughing.

"Screw you and your mother". I say sticking out my tongue like a 5 year old. 

"My father already did", She says with a smirk. 

"You really have to stop watching tiktok comebacks", Jade says shaking her head. 

Jaslyn lightly nudges Jade. "It's really useful when you get into a fight with someone", Jaslyn says with a shrug. 

"There made by 8 year old's and Its really not though", I whisper. 

"Whatever Eloise just go talk to your mans", Jaslyn says burying her head in my pillow.

"Shoot I almost forgot", I say walking out the door. But I stop.

"Before I go I want to say thank you, for everything". I say with a huge smile. 

"No problem", they both say laying down again and closing there eyes. "This bed is fucking comfy". Jade mumbles. Jaslyn hums in responds. 

I shake my head with a smile leaving. 

"Hey you might want to check up on Chase", Randy says. 

"I know that's where I am going right now". I say in a duh voice. 

"I was just telling you just in case you didn't know", He says putting his hands up in defense. 

"Thanks for telling me Randy I'm going to go check up on him though". "I feel bad". I mumble. 

He nods, "me too". "He looked like he was about to cry". And he hasn't cried since he was 10 years old". So it might be something big", Randy tells me. 

I nod, "I have to go then thanks for telling me". I say walking towards Chase's door. 

"No problem".... again He says with a smile. And I smile. 

I walk down the hall for a few minutes. And I finally stand in front of Chase's door. 

I take a deep breath before entering. 

I open the door and my eyes widen. 

What the fuck happened.

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