Chapter 27

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REID'S POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am glad to tell Eloise all of this. I hate her living a life of lies. I wasn't surprised she didn't know me. I am just glad she knows one part of the story. 

But there are many more parts. We had 2 younger siblings. But they died 2 days after they were born. They were twins and they were 8 years younger then Eloise which means they were 11 years younger then me. 

They were born months after Eloise got kidnapped. They died from a poisoning. I still don't know how mom got poisoned and what kind of poison it was. 

Eloise doesn't know about them and I don't blame her. I only found out by the doctor. My foster dad was her doctor and he told me what happened.

He said she didn't care because she was going to do abortion. She didn't want more children she said. But I know that wasn't mom's good side talking but her bad side. I'll tell Eloise another time right now isn't a good one. 

I need everyone to be focus and if I tell her all these things at once I won't know how she'll react.

I'll tell her at the right time. I wrote a note for her. When I was younger I knew I was going to meet Eloise so I wrote her a note about how my life was, how I was so excited to meet her and the real truth about our life's. 

The day Eloise and Chase fainted I went into her room and I gave her the note. I put it inside her drawer. 

I am waiting for the perfect time to give it to her.

But for now we have to stay focus. Especially me, I have to make sure Eloise is safe. I don't trust mom she can do anything to her and I have to stay alert to make sure nothing happens. 


When we go back into the room we see mom gone. 

"Shit", I say running a hand through my hair. We tied her up to a chair. It was the only thing we can find in short time. 

"It's ok we can find her she won't hurt or do anything to anybody". Eloise says.

"We don't know that I thought she wouldn't hurt anybody but she did". She almost hurt innocent people and she almost made me do it". She was going to hurt an innocent girl". But speaking of her, do you know where she's at?" I ask Eloise. 

'I don't know Jade and the others took the hostages". She says. "Why, What's wrong?" Eloise asks.

"Nothing she just looked familiar that's all", I say. 

"Who did she remind you of?" Chase asks.

"I don't know I just know I've seen her and know her". I say. 

"Come on then lets go we can find the others and you can find the girl you were looking for." Eloise says grabbing my hand and dragging me across the hall.

I let out a chuckle. "Jesus Christ Eloise your going to keep dragging me"? I ask. 

"Yes, Yes I will". She says with a huge grin. Chase looks at us with raised eyebrows and shakes his head with a smile. 

"Thanks Eloise", I say. 

"No problem", she says still with her silly huge grin. 

"Eloise I can walk myself I hope you know that", I say laughing. She lets go, 

"oh right sorry I just got to excited that's all". She says scratching the back of her neck. 

"Why are you saying sorry that was really fun". I say giving her a side hug. 

"Apparently there outside". Eloise says opening the door to the backyard. 

"Are you sure"? I ask Eloise.

"Yeah they should be outside that's where Eloise told them to bring the hostages". Chase says walking behind us. Once we went to the backyard Eloise smiles. 

I look outside to see everyone outside. But someone catches my eye. The girl from earlier. 

"Did you find her"? Eloise asks. 

I nod, "Yeah I did she is near the garden", I mumble. I lost my voice I couldn't speak. I couldn't find any words to say. 

"Then go talk to her", Eloise says pushing me. 

I nod taking a deep breath. I walk towards the garden and stand next to her. "You like dandelion's?" I ask her. 

She jumps and looks at me with a smile. "Yeah I do they are my favorite". She says with a soft smile. 

I nod, "I like them to". I say. 

"I have a question", she asks me. 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"How come you didn't kill me"? "Why were you so nice and why do you look so familiar"? She asks. 

"I couldn't kill you because I didn't want to". "Once I looked into your eyes I saw something and I couldn't do it". I say honestly.

"I was nice because I didn't want to scare you". I wanted you to calm down a little". And you also look familiar to me". I don't know why but I feel like I've seen you". Like I know you". I say looking at her closely. 

"I think I know who you are". She says looking at me. "I remember those brown eyes". She tells me. "Can I touch your hair"? She asks me. I nod bending down a little. She was small. She touched me hair. "I remember this feeling". "I know that sounds weird". She says shaking her head. 

"No I understand what you mean.... or I think you do."

She lets out a small giggle.

"What's your name?" She asks me. 

"Reid, Reid Rivera". I say with a smile. "What's yours, I ask?"

"Annabelle's, Annabelle's smith".

My eyes widen.....

It can't be.

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