Chapter 4

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ELOISE'S POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I can't seem too forget what happened yesterday. I don't know why but I can't forget. Yeah I know he blowed me a kiss and threw me a flower, it doesn't mean anything right? 

Oh who I'm I kidding it means everything too me. I just met him and I am already thinking so much about this, I can't help but think why he did that.

Shit I turned into one of those girls who are obsessed with him. I groan.

I have to stop thinking about it and move on, he probably does it too all girls. If they talk too him. If they do he's lucky. You have too be lucky too have friends with Trauma-X and its best if you don't try too hide it, it always ends bad. It's worst then someone already knowing you have it. 

I got snapped out of my thoughts when I see Jade waving her hand in my face too see if I'm ok. 

"Eloise are you ok?" You zoned out." Jade says worried.

"Y-yeah I'm alright, I was just thinking about.... something." I say with a small smile.

"We can tell, you didn't even touch your food and you weren't talking at all", Jaslyn says with raised eyebrows.

 "And the food is good I must say". Jaslyn says to me with a huge grin. 

I look down at my Dino nuggets. "Oh right, sorry." I say shaking my head a little to stop the thoughts from coming back.

Jaslyn laughs, "It's ok but you usually love eating your Dino nuggets I'm surprise your thinking stopped you from eating that never happens. Jaslyn says taking a bite off her dino nugget.

"And if you do think you think while eating." Jade says eating her apple.

"I know", I mumble. "It's just something that wouldn't come off my mind". I say with a shrug.

"What is it", Jade asks worried. 

I shake my head, "nothing I just found a solution", I say with a fake smile. 

"Eloise I hope you know we can tell when your lying sugarbooger", Jaslyn says shaking her head with a small smile.

"I swear it was nothing and I resolved it". I say smiling back. 

"Ok fine I believe you and  I'm glad you found your solution so you can start eating now". Jaslyn says.

 "I am not hungry now", I say walking out of the cafeteria and heading too my room. I lock the door and sit on my bed. 

There's no way I have feelings for Chase. I only met him once! Once! I sigh, Why does this have too happen too me.

I don't even know enough about him. I am in love already but I can't. It's dangerous, I- I can't kill us. I can't tell Jaslyn and Jade they would freak out. 

An Idea pops up in my head and tears started forming in my eyes by the thought of it. I'm going too ask him too not talk or look at me again. 

I can't risk our life's for my dumbass too fall in love in 2 seconds. I have too do it, I have too grow some balls and talk too him. I can't fall in love with him. 

Why him and not anyone else. I swear why him with Trauma-X. I don't even know why I love him. I know why but I can't explain it, it's hard too explain too even think it. 

I can't even think about something else, all I think about it Chase and only Chase. I have too talk to him now before anything else happens. It's the only way.

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