2. Tough guy

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You ever get the feeling that you have everything, everything you could ever wish for, yet something is missing. That's what I'm feeling, and it frustrates me not knowing what that thing is.

"The queen bee is back." a familiar voice says, snapping me out of my thoughts. Grabbing my bag, I get out of my car. Kate winks at me, "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you," I reply, "I could say the same about you."

She smirks, "I know I look gorgeous too," she says, taking my arm, "Come on."

As we hurry across the parking lot, a girl with short bubblegum pink hair comes to my right. While two guys join us as well. 

"Gina, we're seniors." Amy says excitedly, her pink hair bobbing up and down. Rory nods while Cam glances at me reluctantly. This is my group. We always hang out together; Kate, Amy and Rory, Cam. Rory and Amy are together but Cam has a hopeless crush on me. Though I have turned him down the last three years. What's gonna make this year different?

"So, Gina, you look–" he begins but he doesn't get a chance to finish, since his words are immediately swallowed up by the din that greets us inside the School. Combination dials spin, locker doors slam, girls who hadn't seen each since school ended are hugging each other as they let out piercing screams. God. Guys high five each other guys, not to mention fist bump.

"I hope our locker numbers are the same as before." Kate whispers to me and nodding, we walk to the lockers. Students who were cluttered in the locker room part suddenly like the Red sea, looking at us with awe.

Well that was expected. And then the whispers begin,

"Oh. My. God. Look at them."

"Gina looks the most stunning of course."

"I wish I had a body like hers, or hair for that matter."

"Will she talk to me?"

"Rory." One breathes.

I can't help but smile as I walk. This happened in the last three years too. I just smiled. my friends, on the other hand, were behaving like actors on the red carpet. they were waving, winking, doing the shooting thing with their hands. Well, I couldn't blame them entirely.

We are the most popular people in our school. Nothing happened at Yolherth High unless it had our seal of approval. A party wasn't a party until we got there. A dance wasn't a dance unless we were there.

Vice Principal Ashley King–or Miss AK47, as she is commonly referred to, is fruitlessly yelling, "Get to your homeroom! Get to your homeroom before the late bell! Do you want detention on your first day huh?"

"See you at the Welcome Back convocation!" Kate and Amy scream at me above the chaos.

I give them a thumbs up as I turn to my locker.

When I enter the auditorium, all eyes, all eyes I say, turn to me. As I'm walking, I look at the students, smiling. Confidence is key after all. But my smile fades when I see a guy seated in the third row. I recognize him immediately, because of his dark hair and oh-so-handsome face.

For some reason, I'm rooted to the spot, stunned. His bright eyes roam around the room, until they meet mine. Surprise crosses his face for a second, his eyes widening with recognition before he looks away. It's Leo's owner, the one I met at the parking lot yesterday. Shaking my head, I walk to my seat in the front row and sit down. Amy and Rory are on my left while Kate and Cam on my left. Jared is about to sit beside him but thankfully, a nerd with glasses too big for his eyes sits there.

While Miss AK47 tries to get people settled down (By saying, "People! Now, settle down. Settle down please. You! I said settle down!), I turn to Kate and ask, "Who's he?", I immediately regret it. Why do I care who he is?

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