15. Make A Splash

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I have no trouble waking up early. But due to sleeping late last night, I want to sleep more. My phone won't let me though. It continues to buzz on my bedside table. I ignore it, putting a cushion on my face. But when the buzzing doesn't stop, I groan in frustration. Throwing the pillow away, I roll to the side and grab the vibrating phone. The screen illuminates as another text comes. What is it with people honestly, it's just five in the morning and they won't let a person sleep. I tap in the pin quickly and first open our group chat.

Amy: Emergency, wake up! You just made the headlines!!

I frown. I made the headlines? Before I can ask her to clarify, another text pops up.

Cam: NO, you just did not do that. Tell me it's a joke.

Rory: Gina you've got to do something. This is bad.

Kate: GINA. Check the School blog, NOW!

The blog? I ignore the hundred other messages of my other classmates and open the blog. My first instinct is to check the student rankings. My jaw drops, seeing my name on the second. Cam's is the first, what? This can only mean one thing. Praying silently, I go over to the latest posts and nearly drop the phone in shock.

Got the Queen's side already?

This is what the headline reads. No, no, no, this can't happen. There's a boomerang below of me pouring the paint over Mandy's canvas. What makes it worse is that it keeps repeating that action. I sit upright, and scroll down to read.

Just when we thought the new student's going to leave the school for sure, things took an unfortunate (and might we add, astonishing) turn. Reason being, he got our Queen's attention! That's right, royals. I feel like I've watched my life flash before my eyes! Or was it Accetta's life? Now I know we're all dying to know how our Spanish friend got Gina to side with him. But that's for later. What happened is that Mandy did something to his artwork, and to make things equal, Gina did the same (Check the video above) whatever the reason, I personally think she stood up for him. (Mandy's expression was worth it though)

Anyhow, moving forward, Liam is throwing his pool party today at 9 in the morning, no school so make sure to put your best designer clothes. Make me proud, and stay Royal, with royals (if you get the hint)



Oh my god. That explains the hundreds of messages I've been getting. Pushing my comforter off me, I get out of bed and in my haste hit my leg against one of the panels of the four poster bed. Biting my lip in pain, I go over to the walk in closet and grab an off shoulder blue romper off the hanger while opening the contacts. Scrolling down, I tap on the one I want and wait. I'm taking out the sandals when he answers on the third ring.


"You up for breakfast together?" I ask.

Just by his voice, I know he's trying to suppress a laugh, "Is it because of the post?"

"Ren! This is not funny." I groan.

"Okay, apologies queen." He says, "Where are we meeting?"

"My place."

"I'll be there in twenty." He says, the line ends and I rush to the shower; if only water could wash away that post too.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rings. I put the beige lipstick down and with a last look in the mirror, head downstairs. I halt in my tracks when I see Vaughn going to the door.

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