6. Bonding

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I look at Ren in horror. This can't be happening.

I mentally curse Kate straight to the fiery pits of hell. I never expected her to do something like this-I mean she's literally on her phone all the time. She treats it like a pet and never leaves it alone. My partner looks at me, "Gina, are you sure there's no other way out?" he asks.

"There has to be a way." I say, racking my brains. I roughly shake the door handle again, and then groan in frustration. I can't stay locked in here. Olivia's going to be worried and I have tons of other things to do. One of them is going to the park with the rest of the group.

"Damn it. Check the other door?" I suggest, glancing at the second door.

"Already tried." Ren says furiously, "You'd think they'd have emergency latches for these doors or something. What if there was a fire?"

"I know." I say, "Oh wait, I can look up on how to get out of locked rooms—"

He gives me a pointed look and I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Oh yeah, no phone."


We systematically try all the doors again but with no luck.

"Maybe a teacher stayed late. Let's yell for help. On my count, one...two..." I say. On three, both of us pound our fists on the doors.

"Help someone! We're stuck in the theatre!" I shout as loud as my lungs allow.

"Can anyone hear us?!" Ren yells, showering fists on the door. I press my ear to the door, straining to hear any footsteps.

"Argh, no luck," I sigh. I guess the teachers went home and all the athletes are on the other side of the building. "How about we try the windows?"

"There aren't any in here." Ren says, his gaze roaming the room before meeting mine again, "What kind of room doesn't have windows?"

"A place trying hard not to let in any light during matinees." I say feebly and look up. Ren follows my gaze to a vent in a lower part of the ceiling.

"Should we crawl up there?" I ask, stunned. Like in the movies, you know.

"Not we...you. You're smaller, so I'll grab a ladder and you can climb up."

I hit his arm and he grins , "What? Can't hurt to try."

I'll see if I can get into a classroom or a hallway or something. Taking a deep breath, I climb up a ladder with Ren spotting me. I tug on the vent, and the top budges, clattering to the floor.

"I did it!" I exclaim, triumphant.

"Nice!" Ren says from below, "Can you fit?"

I squint. "I think so, it's pretty dark though, and small."

I gingerly hoist myself into the vent, my shoulders sliding in until...I can't go any further. Ha. And he said I'm smaller, silly.

"Okay, I'm a little stuck," I inform him. "But its fine, I can get un-stuck." I'm determined. Boy. What have I gotten myself into?

I try rocking back and forth, with no success. It's a wonder how they do it in the movies, honestly. I can't even go backwards. Then again, this is reality sadly. Suddenly I see a shape scuttling towards me. Oh my god, a bug. Or worse, a mouse??

"Ah! Ren, I can't move. There's a bug! I think it's a mouse? Do something!" I say frantically. I have no intention to die by a mouse bite. Can you imagine?

"Tonterías. Okay, hold on!"

Ren wraps his arms around my legs and pulls. I slide out and fall beside him, colliding to the floor. Coughing, we both stand up and dust ourselves. No way are we trying that again. Nope. Never.

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